Gym Buddies

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A few days had passed since San and Yeosang went on their date and both a lot and not a lot had happened.

Initially the day following the date both boys had been deadly quiet in the chat and Wooyoung had been deadly curious on the silence. What happened? Did it go well? Did it go badly? Was he going to have to manage two separate relationships with the knowledge that the two would never merge to turn what they had into an official three?

Wooyoung soon came to learn (as always) that it didn't come down to the dark thoughts he had in his mind but rather it was simply because Yeosang had a hangover and San was feeling bad having been the cause of the hangover.

Wooyoung had spoken with Yeosang on the phone that same evening to check in and had been let in on all the juicy details of the prior day.

First Yeosang spoke of where they went for their date and Wooyoung couldn't help but grumble when he heard that San took him to a vintage market and then a private dining chicken restaurant. While the restaurant was a perfectly chosen place for Yeosang, for Wooyoung the vintage market was very much a Woo sort of thing not a Yeosang or San sort of thing. Especially San.

Knowing of San's past Wooyoung knew what sort of history went along with such a place for San, and he knew how going into places like that stirred up a lot of memories in the boy. It was overall just a surprising choice, and the location as well as hearing about how San had opened up about his family, his upbringing and the passing of his mother on the date brought a small inner sigh of relief to Wooyoung. San was the type to put his walls up high, so it was nice knowing he was lowering them and letting Yeosang in, and it made Wooyoung feel positive about the overall future of their polyamorous relationship.

After talk of San Yeosang moved onto the unexpected appearance of his sister and his ex, and how the two are now dating. Wooyoung had in no way seen that one coming, and although it wasn't his sister or his ex it was still weird, but if Yeosang was accepting of their partnership then he was happy to settle too.

Wooyoung was shocked when the older had spoken of wanting him to come to his family dinner where he and his sister planned to put their foot down to their parents' ways and take a stand. Despite their years of friendship Yeosang had never ever asked him to come to a dinner, and while Wooyoung would come in a heartbeat if asked he understood why Yeosang never had. Not only was it a family dinner, but Yeosang's parents were not the easiest people to get along with, very far from it, and Wooyoung was happy to avoid them at all cost unless facing them meant a better world for Yeosang.

Wooyoung knew already that Yeosang wanted to use the dinner to ease his tricky parents into their relationship, but he hadn't expected Yeosang to be so motivated all of a sudden like this and invite him along too. Prior Yeosang had seemed nervous and Wooyoung had been worried himself that Yeosang on his own might not go through with talking about their relationship to begin with. But now that Yeosang and his sister were clearly on the same side it would appear that Yeosang's confidence was soaring with it.

As Yeosang spoke about his sister Wooyoung felt humbled knowing that the relationship between them was being mended, and that their shared goal of sticking it to their parents was bringing them back together after all these years. It was also fun to know that he would have front row seats to Yeosang and his sisters plans.

Yeosang then mentioned how San had dropped a lung on him by buying him clothes from the market and Wooyoung told Yeosang to get used to it because San likes to sprinkle that sugar. Wooyoung also demanded the older to send photos of what he got because Wooyoung was curious.

The two had continued to talk about a couple of other things as usual, a few flirty words thrown into the mix that sent Wooyoung's heart racing and his mind gracefully remembering the intimate moments they'd had thus far, but then they had said goodnight, made obnoxious kissing sounds into the phone, and they hadn't had a chance to speak officially to each other since because Yeosang had work and his course to deal with and didn't have the time. But that was ok, not unusual or out of the ordinary.

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