Sun Kissed

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The sound of footsteps slowly woke Yeosang from his dreams.

He was currently lying on his stomach, his lower body covered by a sheet.

He out stretched his hand feeling the bed next to him on one side for signs of life but it was empty. He then turned his head and shifted his body to feel the other side; it was empty too.

Yeosang sighed. Last night he'd fallen asleep between both Wooyoung and San's bodies. Both had refused to let him get up to put his pants on and had kept him pinned between them; San spooning him in the back and Wooyoung holding him in his arms in the front.

It was still such a foreign feeling sleeping naked; with his ex girlfriend he had always gotten dressed into shorts and a shirt after they had had sex if he was staying the night, and if he wasn't he'd put on his jeans or whatever he had been wearing back on as soon as he got the chance. It'd taken every fibre in Yeosang's body just the other day not to leave Wooyoung's arms after they had had sex for the first time so he could put pants on.

It was already getting easier though, Yeosang had protested to let him free at first, but he very quickly grew accustomed to their warmth and had eventually drifted off to sleep instead.

But Yeosang felt a little embarrassed right now since he was naked, and from the sounds of it either Wooyoung or San were shuffling about around him.

Yeosang rolled onto his back and brought his hands to his face rubbing his eyes before slowly opening them up.

"Did I wake you?" a voice Yeosang immediately recognised as San before he'd even spotted him in the room had asked.

"No" Yeosang said with a yawn, trying to pin point San in the darkness of the room.

The younger pulled back the curtains all of a sudden and sunlight immediately beamed through into the room blinding Yeosang. He very quickly rolled in the opposite direction with a groan.

"Sorry" San said with a small chuckle.

Yeosang felt the bed dip and Yeosang rolled onto his back before arduously sitting up and rubbing his eyes once more hoping they would adjust to the morning sun because he was feeling practically blind right now.

"Morning Yeosangie" San said sweetly.

Yeosang could feel San's hand on his leg through the sheets but yet he couldn't see since he was still blinded by sun spots.

He blinked a couple hundred times and slowly as his eyes adjusted San came into his vision and Yeosang practically had a heart attack at how hot he looked right now.

San was currently sitting on the edge of the bed and it would appear he had just got out of the shower. He had on blue skinny jeans that had so many rips in them that if you tore them anymore they'd probably become shorts, a small white towel draped around his neck, and although the younger had a white shirt on, none of the buttons were done up so his toned body was on full display.

San looked ethereal in the morning glow of the sun, and the way the sunlight caught the rivulets of water that lay upon his skin made it seem like he was sparkling. Yeosang held in a snort as he was reminded of a particularly sparkly vampire.

"Good morning San-ah" Yeosang said through muffled laughter.

"What are you giggling about mister?" San said in a cute pouty voice.

"Nothing!" Yeosang said in an equally as cute voice.

San smiled and he lent forwards and swept the hair that was dangling in Yeosang's eyes out of his face and behind his ear instead. San's hand lingered on his face and Yeosang's nose was immediately filled with the scent of soap.

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