Kinky Kitten

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"Yeosang?" Seonghwa called "I'm just looking for my Spiderman DVD, my Joongie Bear wants to watch a movie!".

Seonghwa and Yeosang often talked to one another while they showered, not full conversations, just simple banter, usually Yeosang was 100% fine with this but right now he wanted Seonghwa to go away, why did he have to come back right now?!

"You ok?" Seonghwa called when he still didn't get a response from Yeosang.

"You better answer him" Wooyoung whispered in Yeosang's ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and making Yeosang gasp when he bit down.

Yeosang wanted to answer but that was immediately proving to be a difficult task as Wooyoung began to move gently in and out of his ass rendering Yeosang's mind blank of coherent thought.

"I'm fiNE" Yeosang managed to squeak out eventually as Wooyoung jerked his body up his ass, making his toes curl. Even slowed down Wooyoung was still able to find the force and the angle to hit Yeosang's prostate.

"Are you sure? You don't sound fine? How was your sleepover with Woo? Did you have fun?" Seonghwa called, his voice a little louder as if he were now standing right outside the door.

Wooyoung's voice dropped even quieter "Did we have fun?" he questioned teasingly.

Yeosang was going to answer but then Wooyoung slammed upwards into him again, this time with a lot more force.

"YES!" Yeosang yelled because of Wooyoung's action not because he was answering Seonghwa. "Yes I'm goOd! SleepOVER was goOD" Yeosang then quickly said, pretending as if that Yes was meant for Seonghwa and not for the pleasure he was feeling right now. He was so close to coming, but he was holding back because of Seonghwa's presence, and that was really rather painful.

". . .I think yoUR dvd is . .in the top draW . .of your deSK" Yeosang then yelled, trying to keep his voice steady with each jerk of Wooyoung's hips.

"I'll check there!" Seonghwa called, blissfully, Yeosang hoped, unaware as to what was happening on the other side of the bathroom door. "I'm glad your sleepover was good!!"

"MmmHHMMMMM!!" Yeosang hummed, holding in his moan, as Wooyoung twitched inside of him.

"Found it!!" Seonghwa suddenly exclaimed triumphantly, "I'll talk to you later ok if you're still up when I get back. Don't spend to long in the shower, you'll become a prune!" he then yelled.

"HaVE fun!" Yeosang called back, he just needed to hold on a wee bit longer.

Moments later Yeosang could hear the sound of a door being closed and within seconds he could feel a hot feeling spreading inside his ass and not wanting to hold himself back any longer he came too, the hot water instantly taking away the mess he was making.

Wooyoung pressed himself hard into Yeosang as Yeosang rolled his hips as best as he could in this position and the pair rode out their orgasm.

They then switched off the water and Wooyoung dropped Yeosang to his feet.

Yeosang trembled as he tried to regain his balance but Wooyoung held him steady, just like he had held the younger steady earlier after Wooyoung's spinning adventure on his wheelie chair.

Even though they were panting, and had probably spent way to long under the shower they remained in the shower finishing themselves off with a wet make out session.

Their kisses evened out into gentle touches of the lips and soon Wooyoung pressed his forehead against Yeosang's also cutely knocking their noses together.

"I love you" Wooyoung smiled.

"Love you too" Yeosang answered.

Wooyoung stood back, sliding his hands down Yeosang's arms and then connecting their hands as he stepped backwards out of the shower.

Yeosang gave the younger his towel and Wooyoung dried himself off, Yeosang then fished out a spare towel from under the counter and dried himself off as well.

Once Yeosang wasn't dripping water everywhere he tentatively unlocked and open his bathroom door, half expecting Seonghwa to be standing there on the other side.

Thankfully he wasn't and Yeosang walked over to his bed, opening one of the storage draws underneath and pulling out a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

"You wanna borrow something to wear?" Yeosang asked as Wooyoung peeped his head out of the bathroom.

"Uh maybe just a hoodie? I'll just put on what I had on earlier"

"You sure? You can borrow more" Yeosang said as he tossed a loose red hoodie at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung caught the hoodie "Its ok!" he answered before ducking back in the bathroom to pick up his clothes from the bathroom floor and put them back on.

Yeosang in the meantime dropped his towel on the floor and slipped on his clothes before sitting on his bed and drying his hair.

Not before long Wooyoung stepped out of the bathroom, rigorously drying his own hair as well "So my little kinky kitten, are you satisfied?"

Yeosang blushed "More than satisfied. You did exactly what had had in mind, and then you shook the whole concept and turned it up to 1000, and as much as my heart was pounding I think the fact that Seonghwa decided to appear made it even more fun. My sex life was so vanilla before you".

"I'm glad I can add a little spice to your life" Wooyoung smiled, proud with himself as he crawled up beside Yeosang on the bed.

Yeosang quickly wriggled down and cuddled up to Wooyoung's side and Wooyoung wrapped his arms around his waist.

They both stayed like that for a while, talking about random things, but soon it was time for Wooyoung to leave.

Wooyoung slid off the bed, dragging him up to his feet. In all honesty he would have slept right then and there if it weren't for Wooyoung pulling him up.

"Don't give me that face!" Wooyoung said, referring to the pout Yeosang now wore "I'm sure Seonghwa will be back soon and you have a homework project to work on!"

Yeosang sighed "Ugh don't remind me of homework"

Wooyoung pursed his lips and shrugged innocently making Yeosang laugh.

Wooyoung then pouted in thought "Well! If you don't want to think about project homework then think about Sannie homework instead, you two have a date to plan" he smiled.

"I think I like the sound of that homework".

Wooyoung chuckled and pressed his lips against Yeosang's giving him one last kiss goodbye.

"I'll talk to you soon kitten" He stated in a cheery voice before opening the door and leaving Yeosang on his own.

Yeosang walked over to his desk chair and sat down. He took a good look at his assignment that was sitting there waiting to be completed and then two seconds later he picked up his phone so he could message San.

How on earth was he meant to focus on his assignment when he could still feel the lingering feeling of Wooyoung's body against his own and had thoughts of his date with San swimming around his mind?

Astronomy could wait. Boyfriend and to be boyfriend were more important.

A/n Did you like these last two chapters? When I was trying to come up with things for them to do it was either Shower sex or Rimming, and while I can read rimming idk if I can write it just yet haha

Also I'm thinking of possibly doing a Seongjoong chapter next, it'll probably be very vanilla, what do you think??

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