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San chuckled at seeing Yeosang's concerned and shocked face. Honestly all he wanted to do was kiss the boy since they hadn't shared a kiss as of yet. he'd been thinking of kissing Yeosang's sweet lips since they last saw each other, but even more so from the moment he woke up this morning.

San was prepared to kiss Yeosang in greeting when he saw him from across the car park, but when Yeosang had actually began to approach he allowed his nerves to get the better of him and he ended up hugging the boy instead. That way he could hide his face in the olders shoulder. His heart then refused to catch up to his mind and before he knew it he had opened the car door and closed Yeosang inside before he could get the greeting kiss he craved.

So yes San simply wanted a kiss on the lips, but that didn't stop him from allowing Yeosang to think that he wanted the older to kiss him elsewhere, which to be honest, was actually a rather pleasurable thought in hindsight.

Once Yeosang was in his car he mentally kicked his nerves to the kerb, and he told himself that he would get that kiss today no matter what.

Dropping his nerves was made easy by the fact that Yeosang was visibly flustered and nervous out of his mind. Seeing Yeosang nervous gave San the confidence to be the bigger man so to speak, so it was easy to slip into a more dominant role as he felt an undesirable need to take care of the older.

The fact that Yeosang had actually said that he wanted to be doted on also gave San confidence. He liked being in charge and in control so if the boy wanted to be showered in care and affection then hells yes San would provide.

San kind of wished he'd brought flowers now since Yeosang had mentioned he wanted flowers. He had thought about bringing something for the older boy but had eventually decided against it because he wasn't sure whether it would be weird or not. Especially because Wooyoung wasn't really a flowery sort of guy, a part of him wondered whether Yeosang would be that way too.

San glanced over at Yeosang as he pulled up to a set of traffic lights. The boy was looking out the window and nervously biting his lip and San wanted him to stop chewing because he wasn't particularly fond with the idea of kissing lips that had been bitten bloody; if anything he wanted to be the one to bite them instead. He also just wanted Yeosang's attention in general so he reached over and poked the olders leg.

"Hmm?" Yeosang questioned as he looked over at San making his heart skip a beat.

San held out his hand motioning for Yeosang to put his own in it, to which he did without an ounce of hesitation.

"Stop over thinking things, I can see your mind ticking into overdrive right now, just be yourself ok" San tried to reassure, he just wanted Yeosang to be the calm, bubbly and confident boy who teases him and likes to flex his kinky mind every now and then. He didn't want Yeosang thinking that he had to act a particular way or meet some unwritten societal standards because Yeosang was already perfect how he is.

"I. . .I'll try" Yeosang eventually said.

San shook his head and squeezed Yeosang's hand "You won't try, you will. Positive mindset Yeosangie"

Yeosang nodded his head and San brought the olders hand to his lips kissing the back of his fingers.

The traffic lights changed and San let go of the olders hand so he could grip the wheel. It was a little quiet for a couple moments longer as San wanted to allow Yeosang the time to settle. But soon the chatter between the pair slowly picked up as they bantered about the day ahead, and San was happy to see Yeosang acting more like himself.

Initially they had planned to go to a mall like Wooyoung had suggested, but San knew Yeosang was still worried about running into his parents or anyone he knew that could tell his parents for that matter. So San had decided that if they travelled somewhere far away then their chances of running into someone were little to none, and hopefully Yeosang could feel a little more at ease and comfortable.

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