Chasing Hearts

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Right after San had stood from the training mat he had raced after Wooyoung, surprised with himself that his usual nerves were melting away and being replaced with an undeniable bout of confidence. Deep down San knew that in order to keep the promises he had just made he'd need to become stronger so he could to prove to Wooyoung and himself that he wasn't weak.

As soon as he caught up to the younger boy he used the experience they just shared to serve as an ice breaker.

"What was that? A sex class?" San had said as he bravely threw his arm over Wooyoung's shoulders, and fell into step beside the boy; San didn't know he was capable of making such a bold move while his heart was pounding wildly in his chest.

Wooyoung immediately looked at him, snorted and then broke down into those giggles that San loved so much. San couldn't help but smile, he was glad Wooyoung hadn't pushed him away.

Wooyoung's laughter at his joke was giving him a huge boost to his ego. In time San would come to learn that their humour levels were exactly the same.

After Wooyoung's laughter died down a bit San asked if he could come sit with the younger and his friends at lunch. "I want a change of scenery" San had said in a posh voice and a swish of his wrist that made Wooyoung laugh again, and even harder at that.

Wooyoung through his laughter had bobbed his head, not afraid in the slightest at the close proximity San now was to his body. He was interested to get to know the boy who had that made his heart skip a beat.

Wooyoung adored Yeosang, but at this point in time he was pretty sure Yeosang was straight so looking around didn't seem like a bad idea. No one other than Yeosang had ever peaked his interest like San had, so it couldn't help to look and investigate.

So San and Wooyoung walked to their lockers to grab their lunch and then Wooyoung led him to a small bench by the IT classroom where San was introduced officially to his friends.

Much like Wooyoung they were easy to get on with, and the new found witty humour San had discovered within himself had him fitting in perfectly with this new group.

By the end of lunch Wooyoung and his friends were all in fits of laughter and were insisting that San come hang out with them more often, or better yet come hang out with them permanently.

Subsequently that's exactly what San did. He joined Wooyoung and his friends during the next class, he walked with them to their lockers after school, he was even invited to come out to the cinemas with them that weekend, and all the days to follow he gravitated and stuck close to Wooyoung's group.

Just like that San had successfully wriggled his way into Wooyoung's world.

Wooyoung's friends became San's friends, and Wooyoung soon became his best friend.

Just like San had always dreamt he got to know everything about Wooyoung.

His favourite class was IT and he loved going to the thrift store after school to pick up random old electronics like keyboards and radios and then consequently he loved to rip them apart to see what was inside.

He learnt Wooyoung was an only child, and that his family home was huge. Wooyoung said that his family weren't rich but it was clear that they had cash because Wooyoung was living quite the comfortable life.

San's most favourite discovery he'd made about Wooyoung was that he was a very touchy person. The younger enjoyed hugs, was a constant wrist and occasional hand grabber, and he was the type that if you were to ever stand side by side he'd rest his chin on your shoulder, and occasionally give you a back hug.

San cherished Wooyoung both as his crush and his best friend, but with their ever-strengthening friendship San uncovered some tough truths about Wooyoung's world.

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