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Yeosang had never seen Wooyoung move so fast in his whole time knowing him; the balcony door flew open like it was as light as a feather, it's a wonder the boy didn't rip it off its hinges.

The smile San wore on his face dropped instantly as Wooyoung barrelled through the door, and the younger male froze in place where he was standing in his kitchen.

Within seconds Wooyoung was in front of San, the younger shoving him until his back was flush against the wall. Yeosang never thought Wooyoung was capable of fueling such anger within himself towards someone he cared about so much.

San's eyes were as wide as saucers and his body motionless as Wooyoung aggressively gripped the shirt he was wearing causing him to let out a shocked squeak.

Yeosang halted in his own movements, his two feet firmly bound to the ground only a couple steps behind Wooyoung. He had no idea what he should do? Should he even do anything to begin with? All Yeosang could do is watch.

An angry snort from Wooyoung finally broke the standstill in the room, and then he began to speak.

"I may love you San" Wooyoung began, saying San's name as if it were final "But I also love Yeosang" Wooyoung didn't turn but he pointed backwards in Yeosang's direction "And don't think for one second I'm going to tolerate you playing with his feelings". The finger that was pointing back at Yeosang, was now directed in the centre of San's chest "You either want to be with him or you don't, and if you don't want to be with him in any capacity then I will accept that, but don't you dare think for one second that it's ok to tell him you have feelings for him and to kiss him only to then turn around and say that what you shared was nothing special".

"You can't lie about how you feel San, not with me, not with him. Yeo may be quiet sometimes but its just because he's been through a lot of shit, and I know for a fact that Yeo letting me in, letting you in thats a big deal ok? You may think its funny to mess with him San, but its not.I never thought I'd ever say this to you. But I'm disappointed in you San, you're better than that, I know you are"

Yeosang may have been upset with San, but right now he was scared for him, he was scared for his relationship with Wooyoung. But then again San deserved all the words Wooyoung was throwing at him and it was his own damm fault if he screws up his side of the relationship.

The room was dead silent, it felt like years, but really only seconds passed.

Slowly, agonisingly slowly, San's face broke, his expression that had held fear, now was one of utmost sadness.

San's eyes flitted from Wooyoung to Yeosang, and as Yeosang met the younger male's eyes he couldn't help but snort just like Wooyoung had done and roll his eyes. What right did San have to be upset?

San slid down the wall, out of Wooyoung's grip, hugging his knees to his chest as he began to cry.

With each whimper from San Yeosang felt his heart harden.

San was putting on a real good show. Did he not realise how stupid he looks? How pathetic and petty it was for him to be crying? He was the one that lied in the first place, and it was so obvious that the tears he were crying now were just crocodile tears.

Yeosang had no idea what to do. Should he Stay? Leave? Would Wooyoung come with him? Would Wooyoung stay with San? What did this all mean for their future?

As if Wooyoung had read his mind he began to step away from San "I think it's best if Yeosang and I lea-"

Wooyoung wasn't able to finish his sentence as he was cut off by San's voice. A voice so quiet it was a wonder that it was audible enough to stop Wooyoung in his tracks.

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