gotta be you - part one

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Description - tales involving your engagement, your wedding and your honeymoon with Harry (3 part series)

The Engagement

It was a blindingly hot and sunny afternoon, and to make it worse you were outside. You were roaming through the streets of your home town, shopping for an anniversary present for Harry.

It is going to be your 3rd year anniversary, next week, and you both were overly excited. Harry said he had big things planned and that you're going to fall in love with him even more, when the days over. You don't doubt him either.

Harry had told you that you weren't going to buy gifts for one another this year, and instead your love for one another will be more than enough, but if you knew anything about Harry it's that he will have bought you a present. You aren't going to be disappointed if you don't get anything, because you don't need anything from him, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't expect him to give you something. He was enough for you. He could honestly wrap himself in wrapping paper, gift himself to you, and you'd be the happiest woman on the planet.

You were getting really hot and bothered now, though. You'd been in to several stores and none of them had anything you wanted. You had gone in to all of Harrys beloved stores and yet nothing screamed out to you. You were reluctantly entering the mother of all Harrys favourite stores; Gucci.

You'd been avoiding Gucci purely because the price tags made you want to question what you were doing in life. I mean £500 for a t-shirt - you're having a laugh!

There was someone at the door to welcome you and then you freely wandered around the deserted, but beautifully air-conditioned, store. In fact you were the only customer in there. Not that you were surprised. The new season has just dropped and you'd be lying if you said some of the clothing wasn't beautiful. There were bags and shoes too that were stunning. If only you could treat yourself...

You made your way over to the jewellery section, walking past the pair of boots which you've wanted for the longest time but can't afford, and began looking for anything. You saw a few bracelets and necklaces that caught your eye, but nothing worth paying your life's earnings on. You'd been working overtime, the past month or so, to be able to pay for a gift for Harry, and even then you'd be chipping in to your savings to pay for this gift.

Harry always tried to get you to let him pay for things, but you didn't want to be seen as dependant on him. The paparazzi already write you as a gold-digger and you didn't want to give them the satisfaction of being right. You worked hard, just as he did, and you liked that feeling of satisfaction when you could treat your boyfriend to dinner, or in this case a couple-hundred-pound gift.

As soon as your eyes caught upon the ring you knew that it was the one. It didn't look like much, but you knew to Harry it would mean everything - mainly because he never shuts up about how beautiful it is. The silver tiger ring was so delicate and intricate that you kind of wanted it for yourself. Harry has always thought the tiger to be his "spirit animal". The tiger symbolises, to him, that he can overcome any obstacle or fear by learning how to control and live with his emotions, that he once felt threatened by. The tiger is a part of his strength, hence why he got it tattooed on his thigh. So you thought a ring would fit perfectly with that symbolism.

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