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Currently Playing:8 By Willow Smith

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Currently Playing:
8 By Willow Smith


Could I be jealous of Nate? Fuck no. Maybe- Hell nah. I live by a no jealousy policy. I have nothing to be jealous about. Besides Maddy I guess. 

But, fuck that. New topic. My brother. 

After he got out of jail, I thought he was gonna quit the shit that put him there...NOPE. I actually remember when he got kicked out and when he got arrested. 

Shit was scary. When he got kicked out was probably one of the worst days of my life. I remember my mom pulling a knife on him, and him actually crying.

 I remember my dad trying to hold her back. She may look collected but trust  me, she's real fucking crazy. That's probably where Atari gets it. 

Shit, the media really think my family are "perfect" jokes on them. 


Chanel was chilling with Fez smoking something he had. 

"So, like, bruh. You like this girl or what man?" Fezco asked Chanel. "Fuck yeah. I'm starting to fall bruh. Like, for me right now, I don't even hate her boyfriend or anything...I'm just jealous I guess." Chanel shook her head. 

"Damn, you think she's falling too?" Fez turned to her halfway. "I don't know." The doorbell started to ring. 

Fez and Chanel got up and went down. 

"Who is it?" Fezco skipped down the stairs. "It's me! Open the door." Rue replied from outside. Fezco opened the door as Chanel looked at Rue. 

"Not today Rue. I'm sorry." Fez told her off softly. "Come on man. Don't be a dick." Rue told him. "Nah, I'm serious. You can't come in." Fez said. Rue panned her eyes to Chanel. 

"Chanel, get Fez to open the door. Please." Rue begged. "Nah, I wouldn't. Talk to Ace or Jules-" Chanel stuttered.

 "Look man all I need is just a few OC's." Rue stammered. "Sorry Rue. I can't help you." Fez calmly told her. "Fez? Fez, I've had a really fucked up day alright? Look it's been a really fucked up day, okay? So I need you to open up the door okay? Can you open the door please?" Rue desperately asked. 

"I'm not gonna help you kill yourself, Rue. I'm sorry but you can't be coming over here no more. Just go home." Fez stressed. "Don't! Fez! Don't close this-" Fez closed the door lightly.

 "Fuck! Fez! Open the fucking door please! I'm begging you just open the door!" Rue raised her voice. "Let me talk to her man." Chanel said. "Man, I open this door, she'll come in." Fez put his head on the door. 

"Fez! You're full of shit, man. You make a living off selling drugs to teenagers and now all of a sudden you want to have a fucking moral high ground. Fez you're a fucking dropout drug dealer you know that!" Rue fired. 

"Open the door! Fuck you! Fuck you Fez! Are you doing this because you care about me? If you gave a shit about me you wouldn't have sold me the fucking drugs in the first place! But you fucking did! So open the goddamn door! Open the door!" Rue screamed. 

"I can't do that Rue. I'm sorry." Fez tried to speak. "Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door. You did this to me! You fucking- You fucking did this to me Fez. You fucking ruined my life! The least you could do is open the door and fix it! I'm fucking serious! I'm so fucking serious. If you don't open this goddamn door I swear to god! I will hate you til the day I die." Rue sobbed. 

Fez sighed and walked away. Chanel stood there until it was for sure that Rue wasn't near the door. "Fez I'm out bro!" Chanel yelled. "Ight, peace!" Fez yelled back. 

Chanel ran out the house and found Rue. "Rue!" Chanel called out. Rue turned around and stood still. Chanel ran to Rue. 

"Are you okay?" Chanel asked softly. Rue sniffled a little and tears filled her eyes. "Need a hug?" Chanel tilted her head and held her arms out. Rue hugged her tightly. 

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." Rue cried more. 

Chanel and Rue weren't BEST friends but they were always there for each other if one needed the other. Chanel loved Rue though. Like another sister. Rue thought of Chanel and Ace as her sisters also. Mostly Ace since they'd been best friends since forever.

 "It's fine. I've seen you at worst." 

Chanel was in the hospital when Rue got there. That night Rue overdosed, Chanel was in the hospital for an infection from one of her tattoos of her back and Don was being dramatic.

 "I gotta go meet someone. Tell Ace I said hi." Rue and Chanel stopped hugging. "I will." Chanel smiled.

  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  

Damire lived in like...the hood so Chanel had to be careful what she would wear, what time she would go over, and just be all out safe. Chanel bagged on the door. 

Damire's friend opened it. "Oh shit! What's good Maree!" Chanel dapped up the dude. "Shit! You grown grown. Lemme get a hug." Maree held out his arms. Chanel hugged him and went in. 

"Where D at?" Chanel looked around. "He's in the back. I don't think you should-'' Chanel ran to the back and saw her brother, a few gang members, Mouse and Custer. 

"Ooh shit. Yo, Coco, I'll be out in a minute." Damire shooed her. "Ight-"

 "Nah, introduce yourself young ma." One of the guys said, licking his lips. "Ight my name is Big Daddy." Chanel turned around and went out of the room. 

"Rude ass bitch." The dude said. "Don't speak on my sister like that motherfucker." Damire hit his head and continued the deal. 

"Told yo ass not to go yet." Maree shrugged. "Son of a bitc- Shut yo ass up! Anyways I heard yo girl and daughter been trippin." Chanel went to the kitchen. 

"Hell yeah. My daughter is starting to fucking uhh blossom or whatever and little boys keep tryna get with her." Maree sighed and shook his head. "You got some snacks?" She went through the fridge.

 "Yeah, but they ya brother's. In that pantry." Maree said. "Bett!" There were 3 gunshots. 

"Oh shit! Go!" Maree yelled. Damire ran out the room along with some guys. "Coco! Come on!" Maree and Damire got in Chanel's car and they drove off. 

"Fuck! We just gon leave them in my fucking house? Where we gon stay?" Maree panicked. "I got y'all." 

Chanel went to a nicer hotel near the mall and got them a room. "I gotta get home. Be safe bro." Chanel dapped up her brother and friend and left.

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