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Currently Playing:My Favorite Part by Mac Miller

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My Favorite Part by Mac Miller


After a few days in the hospital, I've been numb. Ever since they pronounced my brother dead. I didn't cry for a few days, I've just been blank. 

I'm pissed off for many reasons. I don't know who had it out for Damire and why but I know it couldn't have been as big to take his life. 

Even if he's gang-affiliated he wasn't no leader, and other gangs didn't even pay attention to him. I'm still in shock at the fact he's gone. 


It was an entire week after Halloween and Damire were officially pronounced dead. Chanel was in the hospital and hadn't eaten, slept, or anything. 

Her parents and sisters immediately after they got the call but she didn't talk to them. 

Maree, Josie, and Payton came to check on her, and nothing. 

Rue and Fez came to check on her and were shocked at how she literally said or did anything. She just looked at them while they talked and did little nods. 

Cal and Nate came to give their condolences to which Chanel was very pissed off but still said nothing.

 Chanel talked to no one. 

Every time she tried to sleep she remembered that night, every time she ate she realized how her brother couldn't eat anymore, she even didn't want to talk because she knew he couldn't talk anymore. 

"Coco?" A soft voice spoke from the door. Chanel looked at the door and saw Maddy. Chanel just sighed and laid her head back on the pillow. Maddy sat in the bed next to her and cuddled her. "Chanel, I'm sorry." Maddy whispered. Chanel sat up along with Maddy and they looked at each other. 

Maddy held out her arms for Chanel to hug and she did just that. Chanel tightly wrapped her arms around Maddy's waist and sobbed.

 One thing Maddy hated was seeing, hearing, or thinking about Chanel being this upset. They weren't together or anything but Maddy treated her like a girlfriend. 

After a few moments of Chanel crying and Maddy crying along with her they both collected themselves. Chanel was the little spoon for the first time with Maddy and they watched some random sitcom together. 

Maddy didn't really like it but since it made Chanel somewhat happy she made it work. "Chanel, I heard you haven't, like, spoken or eaten." Maddy broke the silence. 

"I just-" Chanel cleared her throat. "I just haven't been feeling like it. Eating and sleeping aren't my top priority at the moment." Chanel's voice was a little raspy. "You are hurting yourself. Please. Tomorrow you get out so if we go to lunch or something would you eat for me?"Maddy entwined their fingers together and kissed Chanel's head.

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