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Currently Playing:Let Me Know by Brent Faiyaz

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Currently Playing:
Let Me Know by Brent Faiyaz


It's been way too long since me and Maddy have spoken to each other. I sent her a fuck ton of messages and she sent Nate a fuck ton of messages. From what I've been told at least. 

I haven't really been to school. I stayed with my brother and his best friend. When Damire was at school I'd go with his friend to run errands and stuff. He treated me like a little kid even though he was a few years older than me. 

I haven't talked to my sisters, or mom, or Don in a while.

 I'm beginning to hate myself for some reason. I feel like I'm falling apart. This is messed up.


Chanel was at Damire and Maree's new house that she managed to get them. They were chilling in the living room and the doorbell rang. "Shit, that might be my girls. You ready to meet them?" Maree asked Chanel. 

"Yeah." Chanel smiled and sat up. Maree went and opened the door. 

"Hey baby! The house is nice!" Maree's girlfriend, Josie squealed and hugged him. "Hey hey hey." Maree kissed her. Josie walked in as Maree's daughter, Payton walked in. 

"Oh, Hi D! Is that your girlfriend?" Josie asked as her and Damire hugged. "Uh, no. I'm his sister. Chanel." She got up and introduced herself. "You do look familiar!" Josie shook her head. 

"You know who Jasmine and Don Richards are?" Chanel asked. "Yeah." "Well, we're their youngest." Chanel smiled. "Oh for real? I didn't know D was a celeb kid." Josie smiled widely. 

"Cause, I'm not. Moms kicked me to the curb quick as fuck." Damire sat back down. Maree and his daughter came over. "Oh my god! I follow you on Instagram!" Payton gasped. "Oh really?" Chanel held her hand out.

 Payton shook it and took out her phone. "Can you like give me a shout out?" "Ight now, Pudding. Sit down. Chill. Don't bother her." Josie ordered. 

"It's all cool. I gotchu. What's your Insta?" Chanel took her phone out. She gave the little girl a shout out on her Insta story. "So, I hope you know I do hair, nails, photography and design clothes. So, for you girl, I gotchu." Josie smiled. 

"Oh for real? My hair is a hot mess under this bonnet. You think you can help me out today? I just want something simple for right now." Chanel asked. "Oh, of course. I got a few laces in the car, wanna see?" Josie got up. 

"Yeah." They went to the car and Chanel picked out a long black lace front with dark blue tips. Once they got in the house Josie started working on Chanel's hair while everyone watched Netflix.

  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  

Chanel had just gotten back home and it was around 9 or 10pm. "Mom?" Ace yelled from her room. "It's me bro!" Chanel shouted out. Ace and Atari quickly ran from their rooms and downstairs.

 "Coco!" They squealed and tackled her into a hug causing them to fall. "Oww shit!" Chanel groaned. "We missed you- you- you bad bodied ass bitch! What the fuck is wrong with you!" Atari frowned. They got up and walked to the living room and sat on a long L shaped couch. 

"So, D told us you were at his place and that you ain't wanna see nobody." Ace turned her head. "Yeah, I wasn't talking to Maddy and that shit was bumming me out. You know actually, I haven't been feeling like myself." Chanel spoke quieter in the last sentence. 

"What's up?" Ace and Atari looked at her. "I don't know, I realized out don't really like or love myself sometimes." Chanel sighed. "Why not?"

 "To be dummy real, I think I got a bad personality. I mean I wanna be more than a pretty face and a celeb's kid." Chanel chuckled out of nervousness and rubbed her neck. "I sound fucking stupid." She shook her head and covered her face. 

"No, I understand. I think we both do." Atari softly responded. Ace nodded slowly. "And you are more than a pretty face with ya ugly ass. You're funny. A good sibling. A good friend. AND You don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. Don't let Maddy not talking to you make you think something's wrong with you." Ace and Atari hugged her. 

"Thank you." Chanel sniffed. She got a phone call. "Hold on." Chanel got up and answered it. "Maddy, are you okay?" Chanel said through the phone.

 "Chanel, where are you? Can I come over?" Maddy was crying. "Yeah, yeah, of cours-" 

"Hold on Cassie's calling." Maddy hung up. "Damn."

what tf happened?

are you okay?

i'm fine now. i'll ttyl

wait you were crying tho-
read 10:40 PM

"Fuck." Chanel mumbled. "What happened with Maddy?" Atari asked. "I don't know. She said she's fine now but I don't- I don't fucking know." Chanel gave up. 

She was tired, had a headache, and couldn't function. "I'm drained. I'm gonna go to bed or something." Chanel rushed to her room. She locked her door and went to the bathroom. 

Chanel having these types of emotions about herself is rare. She's dealt with days where she felt ugly, or like a bad person or something but it wasn't as bad as how she's been for the past week.

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