Unfaithful To The Unfaithful🙇🏽‍♀️

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"Jalen.... cheating ?!" i asked trying to laugh it off. The thought of him cheating on me again would be too much to bare. I really tried to make light of the situation. Kevin looked at me and stepped closer. "Y/N be real with yourself for just one minute. You and i both know he doesn't treat you right and he hasn't for a while now." he states getting closer to my face. I didn't give him any eye contact. "I-..I-" i stutter. "You mean to tell me you don't see or feel him when he gets off the bed that you two share to sneak out at night when its real late ? " Kevin's lips graze my ears. I begin to lose control over my thoughts. "Don't even bother trying to convince me otherwise because I've seen him with my own eyes Y/N...and he saw me." Kevin backs his head up just a bit and stares me dead in my eyes. "He did a little something like this.." Kevin then put one finger over his lips and acted as if he was telling me to hush.

"That's pretty guilty to me if you ask." he continued. Deep down i knew Jalen had been acting strange or that he would cheat on me but i didn't want to admit that. Who would ?

"I don't think he's cheating on me Kev..not aga-" and then i caught myself. "Not again ?" he asked raising one eyebrow at me and backing up. He chuckles real light and says, "forget i even brought it up." he says.

"What like Edward tried to make Bella in twilight ?" i ask. Kevin shakes his head and smiles. "What ? that's your favorite fictional couple or something ?"

"Maybe.." i say smiling with my hand son my hips. "Mhm...good answer." he says and we both start laughing.


As i laid there struggling to sleep, i could feel Jalen trying to sneaking crawl into the bed. Minutes after he rested his head on his pillow he was out cold. I let out a large sigh. Fiction was fiction. All the love, the romance, all the connections that could conquer them all..only be be made yet not so simple in the end. I tossed and turned.

"Can you stop moving around so much ?" he said to me. "I don't have time for you to be throwing off my damn sleep schedule when i have important things to do." i didn't bother to turn around and look at him as he spoke. He was an asshole as always. How did we ever get to this point ?


I started my day off as i normally do. I decided to give christy and maeve a call.



"Y/N !! What's up girl !?" christy said when picking up. "I think Jalen is cheating on me again." i whispered.

maeve gasped. "WHATTT ?!?! Noooo....THAT ASSHOLE !" Christy jumps in to say. "That boy should know a good thing when it's right in front of him !" I sighed. "Maybe i'm not a good enough thing for him."

"Stop right there ! That's straight bullshit." christy said. "You would never talk about us that way so why do you think its okay to talk about yourself that way when talking to us ??" Maeve asked, frustrated with me.  "You're definitely enough Y/N !" christy exclaims..

"As a matter of fact, i want you to be featured in this months "It girl"..we've been looking for someone to use for months and it never occurred to me to use you." christy suggested. She worked for magazine publications.

"Me ?! In a magazine ?!" i ask, surprised as ever. "I think you mean ON the magazine !" maeve shouted happily. "That "It Girl" is a celebrity magazine cover photo shoot !" She added. "Are you for real ?!" i asked, dropping my jaw. "I'll run an entire interview with you. You can talk about any and everything you want !" i agreed with the things she said while she spoke. An opportunity like this sounded amazing.

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