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It's been days since Jalen and I last spoke. For some reason, he thought it was Okay to suddenly blow my phone up after the gender reveal. I honestly don't even know if he or kelly knew about it but i didn't care at all at this point.

My phone rang...and it rang....and it rang...and it rang.

"What do you want jalen ?!" i ask answering the phone. "My test is back." he said. "When you get off meet me at the doctors office at 4:45." He demanded and hung up the phone. Right then and there my heart ached. Jalen was going to find out whether or not the baby is his and that i've cheated. I couldn't bare the thought. I was terrified.


I sat in the office with Jalen. I was nervous and scared. I knew he was preparing himself to kill me on the low. I'm almost completely sure of it. Just a few minutes later a doctor came in. "Hello miss ! I'm Doctor Conrad, Nice to meet you !" he greeted me. I shook his hand right before he directed his attention to Jalen afterwards.

"Mr. Smith, how are you ?" The doctor asked reaching for a hand shake. "Where's my results ?" Jalen rudely asked. Conrad cleared his throat. "Ehem. Um that's what i wanted to talk to you about Jalen." He said. "About ?"

The doctor went on to speak. "You see, we found something interesting in your test results." I looked at jalen with worried eyes. "Something interesting like what ?" he scorned. "Well...your count was very very VERY low...but ...somehow there was some living sperm swimming around."Conrad replied.

"So what the hell are you exactly trying to tell me here doc ?" jalen asks. "What i'm trying to tell you is that although you have a low count...you can still impregnate a women...after many tries of course. I only take one cell to get through." he states.

Jalen jumps up. "Hold the hell up ! SO YOU ARE TELLING ME...???" he shouted.

NO ! That means My son could be Jalen's ! Kill...me...now. I zoned after i heard the doctor say what he said. I'm not even sure i heard anything else. Once he left the room, jalen and i remained silent. I didn't want to say a single word.

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME !" Jalen screamed. He swiftly turned to me. "We need to talk !" he said pointing. "Jalen..Jalen ..jalen." I pleaded. "Talk to me..what's going through your head right now ?" i asked trying to remain calm. "You look pissed." i say.

"I AM !" He yells. ".....And-....maybe i shouldn't have come at you the way i have been..." he says looking away. What ??????? Was he trying to apologize without actually apologizing ???

"What's this....an apology ?" i asked, not sure how to react. "An apology would be pushing it." he said crossing his arms. Of course...there was the asshole i know. Smh. "All i'm saying is that i misunderstood a few things. That's it." he said. "Now who's the lazy dick one ?" he asked to be a nuisance. He keeps going. "Besides...at least i don't have to go on with my plan of pretending it's not mine."

What the hell was wrong with him ?? seriosuly ??? "I'm not going to bother apologizing because i know you're going to forgive me regardless...you always do." and he walked out and left me behind. I don't know what i'm going to do now....

What if this baby really is Jalen's and kevin wants nothing to do with me Anymore. If only i had known my life would've turned out like this..I would've never dated Jalen. I would've done thing differently. The only good thing  that came from this misery was the fact that it brought Kevin into my life. It led me to this child of ours. At i least i pray its Kevin and I's baby.

On the way back home i thought long and hard to myself about everything. How could i let something like happen ? My feelings were terribly conflicted. To make it worse..coming out of the car, we ran into Kevin. He was minding his business though and he didn't even notice either of us. I decided to speak out of having common courtesy. "Hey Kevin !" Kevin turned around and waved at me and Jalen. "Wassup. What are ya up to ?" he asked. Jalen pulled me back by my arm. "Y/N go inside and start making dinner. I need to talk to your lil friend." he told me. Kevin looked at me and scrunched up his eyebrows. His face showed plenty of dejection. he looked at Jalen next as i turned away. I Feared whatever it was that jalen might have had in mind to say to kevin. I can't let Jalen mention what what found out at the doctor. That would kill Kevin to know that there's a possibility that he's not the father. It would kill me as well. I hesitated to move but eventually i kept walking and went right into the house. I couldn't bare to look at Neither of them right now.

Jalen went to go dap up kevin but Kevin didn't budge. He looks Jalen up and down. "What do you want ?" kevin asks, folding his arms. "Hey man..i just wanna say my fault. I found out today that there's a possibility that Y/N baby could be mine." Kevin stared at jalen with sternness. "What ?" he said. "I embarrassed her all for nothing. Those stupid ass doctors told me that i still have some swimmers bro." jalen replied.

"I'm not your bro." kevin nipped that bro talk right in the bud. "So what exactly are you trying to tell me dude ? The baby is yours ?" Kevin asks. "I guess so, man the hell do I  know ! I don't want this little shit but she keeps putting up a fight. I still have my doubts but we'll see. All i know is that i sure as HELL don't want to be a dad." Jalen explained. "Mhm." kevin mumbles.

"Y/N knows better than to fuck on me with another nigga. I mean i have cheated hundreds of times but that still doesn't give her the right to do it back. " Jalen joked. Kevin didn't laugh not one bit. "You done ?" Kevin asked rudely. Before Jalen could answer, Kevin walks away and into the house.

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