The Truth Always Comes Out👀

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I sat inside of the car and the rest jumped in. "Well that was a waste." Jalen states. "How about we just not talk." i shout. I was beyond frustrated.

"Oh so now you want to be mad because  it's my fault that i would've preferred to spend my night doing something more product and i don't know...less USELESS." he said to me. "And what would you consider productive ? Nagging me ? trying to kill me and the baby ? throwing things around the house when your drunk ? or cheating jalen ?! which one ???" i shout. "You really want to start this conversation up right Y/N !???" he yells, sitting up and grabbing the seat head.

"What do you find more productive ?! Huh ?! Running around with your whores of friends ?!" he asks "Look at me.. woo i sleep with other guys everyday and go home and fuck my boyfriend !" he shouted for the world to hear. I stop the car and park on the side where there was dozens of people waiting to get into the club. Everyone hops out.

He hurt my feelings when he said what he said. It wasn't true for one and the fact that he would willingly embarrass me like that was frustrating !

"FUCK YOU ! you lazy dick Whore who indeed NEVER knew when to keep his dick in his pants the entire time he had a girlfriend !" I scream. "Don't you ever fix your drunken mouth to try and embarrass me like that again when you cant even keep your shit up long enough to SATISFY ME !" i continue.

"Oh i don't satisfy you now ?!?" He asks. "NO !" i reply. "Maybe it because You're out here fucking other MEN and walking around with a baby that i know ISN'T MINE because MY SPERM COUNT IS LOW. You think i'd put i child in someone like you ?! I've only been telling you that so you won't leave me for someone else and EMBARRASS me !" he screamed, punching the car window and breaking it, scaring the fuck out of me.

Everyone who stood in the lines gasped. I dropped my phone on the floor. Kevin and kelly's eyes both got big. I wanted to crumble up in a ball and cry at this very moment. Kevin and kelly walked back over to the car and got inside. "I'll drive back." Kelly sat in the back with jalen and i sat in the passenger seat. Everyone remained silent fr the rest of the ride. When we arrived home i didn't bother to say bye to Kevin nor Kelly. I just stormed into the house, leaving jalen behind.


The moment i heard him walk into the house i threw a lamp at him. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU !" i shouted, getting teary eyed. "For years, i've put up with your bullshit and never have i ONCE aired your business...OUR business out for the world to hear. All the things you've done to me and I've never once left your side, made you feel unloved, nor did i tell anyone closest to me !" i slapped the tears running down my face away. "But no ! Here you go tonight thinking it was okay do violate me in front of FRIENDS AND STRANGERS !" i scream, beating on him.

He grabbed my arms and put me to sit down. Jalen non nonchalantly answers back while crossing his arms. "Oh come on that was clearly an accident." he says. "How ?!" i shout, standing up balling my fists. I was entirely full of rage at this moment. "It just slipped." he said , shrugging his shoulders. "IT SLIPPED ?! are you serious ?! " i scream, throwing another lamp. I missed his head by an inch.

"You knew exactly what you were doing !" i say, punching him in the chest. "Maybe ! I was pissed and it just came out !" he shouted. " Now Stop throwing shit at me !" he added. "Fuck you and whatever i throw at you ! I hate you ! This whole relationship is a joke ! Apparently it always has been !" I shout . "Stop blaming this all on me Y/N ! You're not innocent either !" he pleaded.

"What the fuck are you talking about ?!?" i was so mad that i didn't even stop to think about what he meant. "I went to the doctor already and got my sperm count checked again. If they give me my results and it's still low then we aren't keeping this kid Y/N !" he exclaimed. "Who the hell do you think we are !? I-" i said before he cut me off.

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