A Heartbeat ! 🤰🏽💓

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Jalen, Kelly, Kevin and I all went on a little "joy" ride if you want to call it. Only thing is...there was nothing to really even be joyful about being in the car with Jalen and Kelly. In all reality we were on the way back to our homes.

"Wasn't the Skiing great yesterday ?" Jalen asked enthusiastically. I honestly don't even truly think he was talking to me neither. His focus seemed directed toward kelly.  I rolled my eyes. "Psss, except for the part where i fell. My legs are definitely bruised up right now."  He was over me talking already. "Get over it Y/N it wasn't that serious. You're always with the extra shit." he replied.

Kevin cuts jalen off. "You think you'll be okay ? or do you want me to go with you to checked out when we get back ?" he asked, side eyeing jalen and grinning. I didn't want to stir up anything so i told him i'd be fine. But Boy was Kelly Pissed off.

Weeks had passed since we got back home, Things were back to the way they were. I woke up And the first thing i went to was my journal.

"Dear Journal,
That trip i took in the mountains weeks ago was amazing. It had many downs thanks to you know who but overall it was good. I had a totally unexpected surprise. Turns out... I'M PREGNANT ! Am i excited ? yes...a little. I don't know. Am i scared ? Very. I've been avoiding pregnancy for a very long time now. After all this time...i'm finally pregnant. Pregnancy caught up to me. The worst part about this situation of mine is that it more than likely isn't Jalen's baby. It's most likely Kevin's. You know...that incredibly sexy neighbor that became my friend is now my secret lover in the matter of really getting to know each other in just a few months. Crazy I know. I'm not trying to make any excuses but...What i feel for and with Kevin...I haven't felt with jalen and such a long time. And to be honest, i hope it is Kevin's baby. I hate that things are the way it is right now without it really being known, but what the hell can i say or do ? Everything feels so surreal as i'm writing this. Jalen knows I'm pregnant but he doesn't know about my affairs.......the same way he thinks that i don't know about his. Only thing is, is that i do. Anyways, thanks to loud mouth Kelly, everyone on that trip knows that i'm pregnant now. We'll just have to wait and see where this journey takes me whether good or bad. I won't let myself get too hyped over this until i go through getting ultrasounds and everything done. I just need reassurance that all of this is really happening to me. Guess i'll be scheduling one first thing tomorrow."

I went about my day and got things done and ended the day off like i would have any other night. The next morning i waltzed into work and as always, i ran into Cassie. It felt kind of weird wanting to to talk to her now that i know she's related to Kelly. Even with the knowledge of that id didn't let that get in the way of the little friendship we kind of had. "Hey Cassie." i said, greeting her with a smile. Cassie rudely ignored my greetings and crossed her arms. "Do you have something you want to tell me ?"

I didn't know what she was talking about. I had the most confused look on my face. "Huh ?..Come clean ?" i asked. She rose an eyebrow at me. "It's time that you come clean Y/N." she said. A million things raced through my mind. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. Please don't tell me she knows..........

I thought to myself. She must've found out about me and Kevin ! OMG ! This was was the sister of the girl who's boyfriend i'm currently sleeping with and could possibly be actually caring HIS child. I didn't know what she spoke of but i panicked and ended up admitting to it whatever it was to avoid further questions. "Okay fine ! You got me !" i exclaimed but in a quiet manner. "Something happened with Kevin." Cassie looked completely lost. "What ? Did he get hurt or something ?! Please tell me he is okay !" she expressed.

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