The Return 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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Kevin went on tour Not long after our little date so it's only been me and little man here. No..he wasn't done baking , but he was about ready to pop right out of the oven.
He sure as hell kicked every which way whenever Kevin and I face timed. Every time he did, Kevin would say, "See..he knows daddy's talking to him that's why he's acting up." And I'd laugh every time.

I missed him so much. I sat in my office at work and stared at pictures of us on my phone. I came across a video of Kevin falling asleep while rubbing my stomach to calm the baby so that I could sleep.


I look up to find Kevin standing right at my office door. "BABY !" I screamed. Running to him. "Damn. Little man bouta ready to drop !" Kevin said look down at my stomach. "HE NEEDS TO COME ONNN!" I exclaim. "You're taking the rest of the day off now that I'm home come on get your stuff." He said. I didn't hesitate. I grabbed my bag, locked my door and was out right behind Kevin.

During the ride home he gave me run down of whatever he didn't get to tell me concerning tour. He let me in on the fact that the album was doing numbers and that he was thinking of buying us a house. I was excited to hear the news. I supported anything Kevin did and his decisions because he was smart and used his money wisely. He didn't need babysitting unlike most people. "Baby that's amazing !" I shout. "Yeah I just want a place that me and you can for sure settle down." He said to me smiling, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other gripping my thighs. His hand then rest on my stomach and he rubs it. "You hear that Little man. You'll have your own room. Now you won't have to worry about mommy and I disturbing your sleep at night...or even during the day." He joked. "KEVIN !" I exclaim. He laughs so lawlessly at my reaction .

We drove around to see the 3 houses that he couldn't choose between for us. There was this house.

 There was this house

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This house.

And this house

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And this house.

"You like them ?" He asked me once we were finished

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"You like them ?" He asked me once we were finished. Once again, my eyes filled with joyful tears. "These houses are amazing Kev !" From the inside out." i replied. Each of the houses had a nursery in them. All of the bedrooms were HUGE ! Kevin threw his arms around me and rocked back and forth with me. I was so overwhelmed with making a choice for him. I wasn't used to the life style he lived, getting this much love and affection, getting spoiled ! None of it.

The view in and outside of every home was breath taking. If i'm not mistaken, every house had an in home studio for him and the boys and at least 5 bathrooms. I finally helped him make a decision. I picked the third. No too big and wasn't small in any way.


These past few weeks, Kevin and I moved into our new home, He was traveling nonstop, I even worked with a few known publishers for a book i was writing explaining my crazy, last 5 years of living.

That morning, Kevin woke up and made us breakfast. I watch him master up some fluffy pancakes with nothing but his boxers, socks, and chains on. I loved how masculine he was. The moment i thought to creep up behind water broke.

I panicked. "AAHHH KEVINNNNNN COME HERRRREEEEE !!!!! " i screamed. I startled him. He turned around quickly and ran towards me. "Oh shit what's wrong !?" he asked. When he looked down he noticed. "OHHHH !!! SHIIITTTT !!!!! Get your things right now !" Kevin shouted running into the room while calling Dev, Shari, Deb and Dani to meet him at the hospital. He dressed himself quick. "Come on ma..Lets go."


"PUSHHHH !!!!!!" Doctor Killian screamed. "AARRRGGGHHHHHHH !!!!!!" i cried out, pushing as hard as i could. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!" i continued. Kevin stood beside me, holding my hand. "Kevinnn !! I can't do thisss !!" i cry. He whispers in my ear. "Come on baby girl. You can. You got this ight ?!"

"Come on Y/N ! One more time ! PUSHHHHHHHH !!!!!" The doctor says again. "AAAAAHHHHHRRRRHHHGGGHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!" i scream but i could feel that he wasn't out yet. I was starting to get scared that he wouldn't make it out in time. "DON'T STOP Y/N HE'S ALMOST THERE ! NOW PUSH GIRL PUSHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" she screams.

I let out one Final scream before Kevin's eye's lit up. Our little baby boy was here. Maeve and Christy run inside along with everyone else and they scream "CONGRATULATIONS !!!!" while squeezing me and Kevin. The doctor handed my son to me. I immediately started to cry. Despite my tears, i made light of the moment. "I could already tell he's about to look and act just like Kevin. Look at his mean mug." I joke, making everyone else laugh.

This feeling i was experiencing was like no other. I can only describe it as painful but pure love. This was by far the happiest day of my life. "What's his name ?" Kevin and i looked at each other. "His name is....."



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I sat in my room while Kevin waltzed around the house the our son, Singing him to sleep. I was writing in my journal.

"Dear Journal,

It's been a while. I have a son now. Right now, he's sleeping in his fathers arms, having lullaby's sung to him. every time i see him, My heart explodes with love. I never knew something or Someone could be so perfect. I know without a doubt that his daddy will protect him from any and matter what it is. I can't wait for us to experience every moment with him up until he's on his own. And even then."

I pause in my writing. I look out into the living room and find Kevin asleep with the baby on his chest.

I resume. "Well...turns out his dad is asleep right along with him. Guess he's wiped out from singing and feeding lol. These two are the best thing that ever happened to me. This little family that i now have, I've always wanted. I'm extremely grateful that i now have it. Goodnight for now. I'll be back tomorrow."


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