Surprise! 🥳

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My phone rang non stop for a good 15 minutes as i showered. One i hopped out, i went to see who was calling me. It was of course my lovely best friends maeve and christy. They call once more and i pick it up.

"Hey girlllllssss !" i exclaimed. "Y/N !!!!!!!!! It's been entirely WAY too long since we last saw you baby !" Maeve shouted on the other end of the phone. "can we please meet up somewhere today  ?! A park or something i don't care i just want to see you !" Christy begged.  "Agreed !" maeve stated.

"Sounds good to me." i told them. "Park it is, i'll meet you both there." i say before hanging up.


I waltzed my way into the park looking for the two girls in my life that i absolutely adored. "hey guys i'm her-"

"SURPRISEEEEEE !!!!!!" everyone shouts. "What the hell is going on here ?!" i shout after being startled to death. "What is all of this ?" i ask.  "And why are all of you all dressed up ?" i continued. Kevin and the boys were dressed in all white. Even Christy and Maeve. I wore white and blue. That was a coincidence. He stood between the girl with his arms around them both. I eyeballed him trying to figure out what the hell was going on as other people gathered around me, including Devin and Daniel. "It's all apart of the surprise boo." Daniel said, shaking my shoulders. "Look over there." devin said. Everyone turned in the direction he pointed. Kevin then steps up and takes my hand. He steps behind me and leans down into my neck. Devin, Dani, Maeve, and Christy all look at each other and smile hard.

He pointed at the incredibly large tent that dozens of people walking in and out of. "Right inside of that tent over, awaits every person you adore. Family, friends, co name it." he syas. "What ?! Why !? What's happening !?" I asked eagerly.

"What's happening is a surprise GENDER REVEAL GIRL !" Maeve shouted, jumping up and down. Every since my stomach started showing I've been unable to control the water works. "Who did this ?" i asked in a meek like manner. "Your one and only prince charming." Christy stated.  I Immediately look at Kevin and started to tear up before he pulled me in for a hug. "Pulled a few strings and made it happen. As long as you have my child growing inside of you, i'm not going to sit back and doing nothing." he whispered into my ear.

Maeve and christy lean over to Devin and Daniel. "Do you guys know about..You know." they asked while waving their fingers at me and Kevin. "Trust me...we're all caught up." Devin replied. "Ohhhhh....okayyy. Well there's still something you haven't been caught up with." Christy states. "Word ? And what's that ?" they both ask. "To the fact that maeve and i are both single." she replies, winking at them.

Maeve pulled christy arm. "Okayyyyy give me the glass." she says while the boys laugh.  Maeve whispers into Christy's ears. "I want to one with the sexy full lips, he mine. Take chocolate thunder but don't make any moves until the time is right."

Kevin and I  looked up at the four. Devin spoke out again. "Yeah this was all Kev right here. He called us out to piece everything to together." he said. Dani then jumped in, "Fasho. The other day ya doctor let us know what ya two are about to have so we could put together this whole thing." Kevin then dapped up Devin and Daniel and said, "Thanks bro. I appreciate ya." I loved loved loved his accent.

I was so overwhelmed with good feelings. "I love you guys so much !" i said. "wait...that's not all." Kevin blurted. I looked confused. "I'm sure you're wondering why we all have on white am i correct ? Of course i am i always am." Maeve uttered, answering her own question lol. I giggled and said. "Yeah and ?" she said, "Well it isn't just just us. Everyone has on white. Wanna know why ?" she asked. "Spill it !" i shout.

"BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUGE CAKE THAT'LL EXPLODE WHEN THE COUNTDOWN IS OVER !" christy yelled. "Yes ! It'll either be Purple or blue when it explodes. Blue for the boy and Purple for the girl. And we have a white dress for you so take these scrubs off and come change." maeve said

After i had changed my clothes in a nearby store dressing room. We found our way back to the boys. "You guys have really got to be the greatest set of people I've ever met !" i said softly while smiling uncontrollably. "DUHHH !!" Maeve yelled. Kevin stretched out his hand. "Come inside with me baby girl."

I took his hand and followed him inside. The tent was amazing ! The drapes, the winery, the food , the amusement. I LOVED IT !


We danced, laughed, ate and had the time of our lives. Not too long after, it came time for the countdown. Everyone who i was close to and who was close to Kevin went up and expressed their love for us before starting the countdown. It was the sweetest thing ever. Once they were finished the numbers started rolling.

"10 !...9 !...8 !...7 !...6 !...5 !...4 !....."

My nerves were wrecked once it got down to three! I squeezed  Kevin's hand tight ! "Relax baby girl." he whispered to me, putting his other hand over mine. "What id it's not what we want ?" i whisper back, scared as ever to find out what we were having. "Boy or girl i'm going to love the baby and you regardless. Gender doesn't matter." he replies kissing my hand.

"3 !!!!!!.....2 !!!!!!!!!....1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

The world stopped. Everything was still. My body flooded with nervousness. All of a sudden...time resumed for me and the cake splattered all over the place.

"IT'S A BOYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!" Everyone screamed

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"IT'S A BOYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!" Everyone screamed. Kevin and I jumped up from the table. Everyone ran over to us. Devin and Daniel Grabbed Kev and they both shouted "YEAHHHHH !!! GET RIGHTT !!!! MY BOY FINNA HAVE A SONNNNN !!!!!!!" While jumping around with him. Maeve and Christy ran over to me. "AAAHHHHHHHH WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A NEPHEW !!!!" the screamed.

With cake all over us, Kevin turned towards me happy as ever. I couldn't help it. The moment he looked at me, i busted into tears. They were happy tears though. Kevin pulled me in close. Everyone awed and cameras flashed. Kevin Kissed me and rubbed my stomach. "We're bouta raise the freshest lil boy in the Bronx." he exclaimed smiling really hard while his forehead against mine. "IN THE BOOGIE DOWN BRONX JU HURRDDD !" Devin and Daniel shout.

He kissed me again and whispered to me. "Both of my everything's are right right in front of me."

We stayed out and partied all night and ended the night right.

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