Chapter 7

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Ashton's P.O.V

It's been a week since I last saw Chris and I don't know but it's bothers me.

"What's up with you?" Claire asked as she sat beside me on the couch. I slowly shook my head and shot her a smile but the poker reaction on her face stayed. "Ashton."

"I said it's nothing, I'm fine." I assured, she just crossed her arms.

"It's Chris, isn't it?" She sighed and I stood frozen on my seat. She knows me too well.

"No, it's not." I denied. Looking at some other direction so she won't meet my eyes.

"Ash, look at me." She sighed. I sat still pretending I haven't heard her. "Irwin."

I snapped my head to her direction. She calls me Irwin when she's dead serious about a thing or she's annoyed.

"Answer me." She demanded calmly.

"It's Chris." I sighed, and she mirrored my actions.

"I knew it." She mumbled. "What's with Chris?" She asked.

"I think I'm liking her again." I admitted.

Is liking her a wrong thing? She's the first person I liked, to be honest. I don't why, maybe it's the way she talked, she laughed, she scrunch up her little nose, the way she rambles about nonsense things, her smiles, how her hair flow along with her movements, and some other little things.I shouldn't fall again, I did it for a year now, and I shouldn't stop now. I've gone this far.

"Ashton." Claire called and I turned to her direction. I almost forgot Claire, I'm so drowned in my thoughts.

"Sorry, what is it?"

"I'm bored." She spoke in a straight tone.

"Yeah, me too." I spoke, laying on top of her.

Yeah, maybe I'll just do this, this helps me forget things for a while. Forgot Chris for a while.

"No, wait." She spoke, my lips were almost touching hers.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"I need a drink." She chuckled and stood up. I laid still on the couch as I watched her walk to the kitchen getting some liquors and alcohols. Good thing she lives alone and she can do anything she want.

"When will you find a job, by the way?" I asked her as she sat beside me and handed me a bottle.

"I don't know, next week maybe, I'm already running out of money." She laughed. "How about you?"

"I don't know, maybe next week too. I'll come with you, you want?"

"Yeah sure that would be cool." She said looking at her drink before drinking it. She shut her eyes as she drank the liquor. I watched her as I drink mine. I'm used to the smell of alcohol, Claire isn't so, and she don't drink as much as I do.

"Why do you want to drink first? It's so unusual." I laughed.

"I just want to forget some mistakes that I did." She smiled weakly and poured some on her glass again as I copied her gestures.

"Wow, I thought you don't have regrets?” I joked. "Where's Claire?"

"She's been peeled alive and ate by her grandmother." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Where does her grandmother live? I'll kill her." I laughed.

"You'd kill her?" She said in an amused tone.

"Yeah, she killed my best friend so I'll kill her." I said casually drinking all of the liquor in my glass in one drink.

"Awh, I'm flattered." She chuckled.

 Claire's P.O.V

I love it when we have those silly moments, I wish I could just record it and play all over again.

"No, seriously, why do you want to drink before we fuck?" He asked, drinking his third cup while I'm still on my second.

"I told you, I just want to forget some things." I faked a laugh.

I just want to forget all that I'm feeling towards Ash because this isn't right. He will never like me, he's into Chris and there's nothing I could change about that.

I'm just a friend and a friend only to Ashton.

I sighed as I drank one glass again, ignoring how bad the alcohol tastes.

Ashton's P.O.V

"Ash." I heard Claire as she giggled and stood up, almost falling.

We've been just drinking for an hour now.

"Are you okay?" I asked as she sat on my lap.

"Yeah." She giggled. She's drunk. "You, are you okay?" She said emphasizing the 'you' word.

"I'm absolutely fine, thank you." I smiled.  "You're wasted, I'll bring you to your room." I sighed and I lifted her up to her room, she didn't complained or anything, she just hugged me.

I opened the doorknob in one hand and opened the light, her room is still messy as usual, like the last time I've been here. I put her slowly in her bed.

"Ashton." She said as I sat on the bed.

"Yes?" I smiled, even though she can't see me because her eyes is closed.

"Don't leave me."

"I'm never leaving you, Claire." I chuckled, she held my hand and intertwined her little hand with mine.

"Stay with me, please?" She whispered. I laid beside her and she wrap her arms around my torso.

 "Don't leave me, okay?" She mumbled as she tightened the hug.

"I won't leave you, why are you thinking that I'll leave?"

"You'll leave me for Chris." She said, I can't see her reaction because her face is covered with her hair.

I don't know what she meant but instead, I replied.

"We'll always be best friends, no one will ever replace your position for being my best friend." I said stroking her hair. She didn't answered after that and I assumed she's already asleep.

I hugged her tight and whispered.

"I'll never leave."




just a filler bae

okay bye imsorrey


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