1~Terminated For Interfering

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Fly me to the moon,
Let me play among the star,

Fly me to the moon, Let me play among the star, °˖✧◝◜✧˖°°˖✧◝◜✧˖°°˖✧'◜✧˖°°˖✧◝◜✧˖°

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"This is space shuttle 012," the speakers confirm. "We have now approached what seems to be the interface between our galaxy and the void. Do we proceed?"

I take a deep breath to weigh down the shakiness of my voice. My father of course is one of the most heavily requested in all of South Korea. Twenty-five years into the business can definitely put one in that position.

My mother, I recall, has been piloting long before she met my father. She's worked with the air force as a lad. Countless are the times when I often find it intriguing of the stories she has stored.

NASA, for eight years, has been developing this mission. For eight year we have been receiving intergalactic data transmission from our neighboring galaxy.

So to speak, we've never thought to seek that side of the universe before. We are supposed to be exploring the constellation not hoping for the possibility of finding outer world creatures.

It makes me question my profession as a scientist.

"This is Mission Force to Space Shuttle 012. The void is clear so it is free to proceed into," I say.

"Proceeding!" the astronaut announces through the speakers. "In 1...2...3."

Soon we hear nothing but silence. Definitely, since they already entered the void, all transmission to earth has been momentarily cut through. But it's taking too long, they should have reported back by now.

I seize the opportunity to look at the general through the huge glass and the scientist in the room.

"It's been too long," I finally say.

"Relax! It's sometimes like this," head of the research department, Mr Choi, says.

My parents are in there for Pete's sake. I take the transmission recorder and hold it up to my mouth. "Space shuttle 012, do you read?"

Silence. The room is silence. Not a pin drop can be heard as every one is stifled. The sounds of crashing waves spilt through the speakers releasing a high pitched sound. We all cover our ears in attempt to block out the noise.

"Something is intercepting our radio signal," the guy in charge of the channeling says abruptly.

"What could be?"

"I don't know but from what I'm seeing here, it we don't get through to the astronauts, we could loose all connections and they'll be lost in the void."

As though on que, with all the channeling guy's explanation, every one gets moving. They do their best to try to retain connection.

My parents are there. My family are in that space shuttle. Because of a stupid discovery meant, I could loose my family. I stand still and frozen as thoughts run through my head. What can be intercepting out signal? We are NASA. Nothing can. But wait—what if the question here is, 'Who?'

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