5~He Frickin Groaned

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You are all I long for,
All I worship and adore,

You are all I long for, All I worship and adore, °˖✧◝◜✧˖°°˖✧◝◜✧˖°°˖✧◝◜✧˖°°˖✧◝◜✧˖°

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Surprise consumes my mind as it becomes a ludicrous fiasco at Jimin's words. Did he just compliment my buttocks? In all my life. He had been observing my butt. How dare he?

I mentally cringe.

From his words, Jimin receives a smack on the head from both Namjoon and Jin at the same time, making him wince in pain.

"How could you say such to the mistress of the household we reside?" Namjoon exclaims.

Jimin holds his head in his small hands and softly groans. "At least I'm not Hoseok who literally felt her on top of him!"

Regretfully, I step on the break panel and we all take a tumble forward. I don't mind that we begin to cause traffic in street. I glance to the men who look stunned and almost petrified. "What did you say?"

No-one dared to speak as Jimin slaps his hands over his mouth regretting what he'd just spat. I look to Hoseok who suddenly finds solace from checking his palms. The men result to doing something relaxing or either distracting to avoid my monstrous dagger glares. Except one.

"Someone care to explain?" I growl, ignoring the honking of annoyed drivers.

Jungkook who looks uncomfortable in the situation suddenly breaths out loudly. "When we came upon your transporting machine, we thought it was a space shuttle so we boarded it. To our surprise it wasn't then you came into it, and we panicked then turned invisible making you sit on Hoseok without knowledge."

"I dared you not to ever speak of it." Hoseok growls at Jungkook. "Ever!"

"I had to. She looked terrifying." Jungkook pleads.

Profound silence blooms in the car. And surprisingly, I'm grateful for it. I can't deal with seven Alien men only to have to find out they are as horny as ever.

He groaned. He frickin groaned. I have to know how it felt like for him to have me on his alien-

Shut up Nari. I, in high school was most fascinated by the topic of 'sexually reproductive system'. I was know for being a pervert and for a fact, I still am. Although I'm not sure if that's something to be proud of.

I begin the drive again. I didn't even realize annoyed people were cowing the car.

It pricks me how these aliens understand what a gamete is but not what tears are? They seem quite confident with their, er, privacy than humans would. And that's why I'm going to take a detour to the mall first.

I cannot have the aliens to have a hold of my clothes. Seve aliens -seven days equals my clothes outstretched and my closet empty. These pricks won't be the end of me yet.

I park in the mall's parking lot as the men perk up. "I-I thought we are supposed to stop in a less confined area!" Jin says.

I take the car out of ignition and smile. "Change of plans!"

They climb out of the car and take in the new scenery before them. Their eyes widen as they look at the big shopping place.

"It's just a complex, get over yourselves. And let's go, we still have places to attend."

The men divert their attention back to me. We walk in and the alien men start to touch stuff. "Don't touch that!" I go from driver to babysitter in less that forty seconds. I take a hanger from Hoseok.

I might just add that we look at each other skeptically before moving our parted ways. Things, I might say, will most definitely get awkward between us.

Just as I yank bathing lotion from Yoongi, a crying toddler from the other isle alerted me of yet another alien. I rush there and-

I was right. They'd try to annihilate a baby. Just as Jin us about to push over the child's carriage, I pull him by the ear. "He's a vulnerable human being. You don't do that!" I let go.

They are the hardest piece of organisms I have had to take care of. Even a tiger is better. People give me stares like I conduct an eight-some with them. At least I knew never to come here again.

Once I gather the rest of the boys, we'd gotten into a more less alienee things. Like the shopping we should have confirmed to the moment we'd step in. We head to the garment section.

Oh, I feel like Namjoon already!

I pull out seven pieces of different clothing from the clothing line and hand it to each men. They look at me then to the clothes.

"Right." I retentively snap my index across my thumb. "The changing room is over there."

Their heads swing to where I point to and they go without a word of question. They finally obeyed. I'm proud of them so much I could cry. I watch as their forms disappear into the curtains of the room.

Maybe while I'm here, I could shop for myself. I move to the jewelry section and start to admire when my eyes lie on a necklace. Now I am not a sucker for accessories but I buy what my eyes finds the most intriguing.

It had the engravings of the crescent moon on it, a man sits at the protruding end of it. He has a fishing hook in hand as he reaches for the stars. The stars themselves twinkle as the light from inside the glass case illuminates it.

I am about to call the sales attendant for purchase when I hear faint shattering of glass and crashing of something else coming from -

-the changing room?

I startled as I run towards the room. I gasp as I open the curtains to reveal another totally different man I'd never seen in my life and my responsibilities( the aliens); Hurdling and tackling him to the floor as they each send a scrutinising painful punch to the man.



[A/N] Unedited

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