30~Hitman Bang

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Get me in touch with the general Konu, announce to him 'we have outer visitation" -Governor
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Militants of all sorts zoomed with their tanks in defence against these intrusive outer world species

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Militants of all sorts zoomed with their tanks in defence against these intrusive outer world species. There was no warning or climax to say the invasion come on this, instead it was all impatience with dominance.

"Get your shields up, get your ammunitions in order," a male commander yells thunderously. For the meantime since they arrived, the aliens have hold all piece of movement.

"We shall give you a count of five seconds to state your mission here," he said.

A two headed outer world dropped loose from the mother ship on air and lands on his feet. They(or he/it) scoute the area to see all ammunitions have been pointed to him. They chuckle sadistically.

"State your reasons here before we fire," the commander says into the mic again.

"...as seen, we a distinctive creatures from the outer world," they say, sounding multiple. "Our planet under the lest further distance of earth, has come to acquire this planet and turn it to ours."

"State your reason!" The commander himself seems to be growing impatience with an attack from a children or geek folklore. Or maybe that how I can see him from my place of hiding.

"Y/n?" Multiple male voices resonate through the corner of a antic pantry shop. I sigh an expert expergefaction.

I and Y/n, turn to our sides to be met by sweaty and tired men with a surprisingly dirty Yuri and Kia.

"Where have you men been?" I ask.

"We were caught in a bit of a confrontation," Teahyung says. "Y/n, it's pleasing seeing you on the battle field...with us."

The rest make a sound of agreement making Y/n grin in response. "Well I wouldn't miss it for the galaxy."

"The war isn't won yet, we shall celebrate at a later time," Yoongi reminds. "What's the plan here?"

A casual glance at the world at hand in need of saving, it dawns upon me that we might not be able to stop the rush of powerful and well equipped ammunition. Hope, it seems, is just lost at this point.

Whether that or the fact thay humans did come unprepared and think a couple of militants could just zoom to save the day. At a side, we can see that the militants were getting impatient and the aliens were talking in all that's soon to be acquired.

"We fight a losing battle," Kia's voice reached my ears though he mumbled it.

"What?" Jin asks.

He's eyes bludge in realization that he even said anything and he takes a deep sigh, "one thing from what Yuri tells me from the aliens' proceed to earth is that you never give into defeat."

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