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⌒Oh yeah!⌒

[4 years later

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[4 years later...]

The moonlight shines and resonates through the living room. An owl hoots in the distance.

My eyes shoots awake, reminding me I still have unpacked boxes littering the house. A house I moved into two weeks ago, but have been lazy to do much in it. All that has been done has been me constantly soaking and submerging myself in a claw-footed tub until my skin prunes.

Yuri had suggested in order to get over my constant glooming over an alien's exit from earth, I should quit my job and move to a place uptown. I gladly and willingly accepted her suggestion: together, we both began scouting for a place I now call mine.

Of course, what first intrigued the earthlings about the invasion that —sleight of hand— disappeared from action. In supernatural or enchanting theorist's opinions, some say it might have been an illusion, others say the militants chased them away with their defense tactics.

The militants themselves were surprised and didn't dare to say they had nothing to do with the mysterious leaving of the aliens, when they received their own recognition. What no-one attempt to speak about was the current that resonated through the earth and sent us all flying backwards like no there was no gravity.

Questions were also part of the real reasons I accepted Yuri's suggestion. Journalist were the trending topics on all social media platforms for a year because they had something intriguing to speak on. But once the topic died down, they started becoming the intrusive-disturbing-cockroaches their names stand for.

The rumbling of my stomach alerts me I haven't had much to eat in a while. I, in a stride, stand to the kitchen in search of an orange juice but emit groan when I don't find some.

"You know, the offer still stands for you to eat me; but in this case, I shall let you drink me."

His voice. The deep sultry voice of an armed Alien, that haunts me in my every night in bed is now what I hear like it was never gone. I don't turn back. I couldn't.

The heat of his body shifting to the back of mine drove my mind into an existential crises I know I'll never recover from. This isn't like my imagining it every night. It is right there, then and I can't bear to think I am thinking.

"I don't know if you're shocked or you went paralyzed on me."

He swiftly turns me around by the shoulders. He is still the same; sharpened jawlines, taunty eyes that darkens everytime I look at him, the smell of biomechanics togetherness that makes me want to feel every inch of him. Ever so that every part of my body wants to jag for him.

I don't dare to hold back anymore when I latch my body onto him. To keep himself from falling at my weight, he holds his back on the kitchen counter and wraps his two hands around my waist. A laugh cascades through his throat and rips through my ears; I missed it. I missed him out of all.

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