20~Aliens Have A Kink For Pain

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They're really saying
"I love you"
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[Warning]: Triggering scene up ahead!]

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[Warning]: Triggering scene up ahead!]

One would wonder how the feeling of an electric shock came to be. Who, in fact, amongst all the crazy psychopathic killers out there invented the torture humanity now knows to be: electric shock.

My hands are tied to a ceiling rod, my feet are on the verge of being dunked underneath a tub of water. A crazy and oblivious alien, sited a feet feet away from my helplessly hanging body, is controlling the voltage and a bossy Allen whose only job is to put on a golden wrist watch.

"Are you going to make known that piece of information we require?"

Since he has been talking on project E-20, I have ransacked my head and I find that indeed I do hold information on that project. A project I have sworn oath not to relinquish even if I am at a point of being murdered.

"I am being serious with you dirty-looking species, I don't know of any project E-20." I press my lips into a thin line.

"Dirty-looking. I beg your pardon, our planet is the most cleanest of them all in the entire galaxy."

Failure, I burst into laughter. "If you say so."

He arises from his position of looking down from the building. "Let's get this over with shall we."

"Wait, wh-"

The internet once said: Muscles are stimulated by electricity. The effect depends on the intensity of the current and the type of muscle it travels through.Now I'm saying: Muscles are fried by electricity, bit by bit. Irrespective of whichever muscle the current does travel through. Aliens are one of the most clueless and yet sophisticated looking being in all of the universe.

I let out a scream of agony as I feel thousands of megavolts of electricity course through my body. And it didn't help that my legs were half dunked under-water. One would describe this feeling as fire ants piercing the skinned muscles but I describe it as tiny swords making their ways to performing a chewing mechanism on my every muscle.

A tingling sensation is felt when the Alien in control turns up the voltage on the defibrillators. The amount of current running through me is enough to execute a thanksgiving turkey. Much to frying it in the process.

Sweat trickling from my forehead, a phlegm escapes my mouth and my head swings lose like there is no axis in my vertebrae anymore. I can see the outer world animals taking pleasure in my agony that it hurt them to stop the voltage meter.

"Will you tell us the information we require from you now?"

My eyes blur again. The electricity coursing through my body tingles still. These types of aliens were explained. No regular outer world animal would go through all this trouble just for a file case.

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