2~Enough With The Dirty Thoughts

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Let me see what spring is like on
A-jupiter and Mars,

After a much needed debate with myself on why my car seat would groan, I have conclude that since I was in a trance, I wasn't self aware of my surroundings and much might have been hearing things

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After a much needed debate with myself on why my car seat would groan, I have conclude that since I was in a trance, I wasn't self aware of my surroundings and much might have been hearing things. That seems logical enough.

Maybe I do need to rest though. Yes that's what I need; rest. I park in the drive through of my garage and reach out to get my bag. But not before inhaling putrid odor of ammonia hanging in the air.

I scrunch my nose up in disgust. "What died in this car?" I ask myself. I get down from the car and open all the car doors, to let fresh air in. I probably need to dedicate a day to washing this car.

I fish out my house key, insert it into the keyhole and enter my home sweet home. This is going to be a long ass suspension. With the amount of money I earn a year, it has paid for my living in a loft.

Going to my bedroom, I strip myself of my work clothes to take a much deserving steamy bath. I feel as the water from the shower consume my entire body whole. Maybe for once I am realizing the relaxing effect of a hot steamy bath. I proceed to wash my body with soap.

Today indeed has been a long day. I note never to snap my parents out of doing something ever again.

Thirty minutes is all I needed to complete the shower, but a metallic clang coming from downstairs interrupts the moment.

I furrow my brows. If there are robbers in my loft, they must know about my black belt in taekwondo. Wrapping the towel around my frame, I head to my closet and take a baseball bat. I make sure to tip my toes not to alert the unlucky person.

The scent of putrid odor of ammonia hanging in the air fills my nose once again as I arrive the kitchen. I almost drop the bat as I see a frypan dangling in the air.

I'm going crazy. The amount of scientific knowledge that resides in my head is finally taking a toll on me. Again, as though on que, I see spoons and a pillow aerial.

Baseball bat set in arm, I make sure to have a firm grip as I swing wherever, making the frying pan drop. My eyes widen as in front of me— a man that appears to be in his twenties lay on the floor clutching his butt.

He has ash skin color?

"Jimin, are you okay?"

"Can you stand up?

Men suddenly burst out of thin air like they were invisible. They rush to the aid of the male still clutching his butt on the floor. I can only stand weary to the seven men that now stand in my kitchen.

Wait a minute, they all have an ash skin color. Not only that, but a tattoo that runs down the base of their vertebral column. It's different from each other. Their eyes, if I saw clearly, burned a certain type of blue. Their ears appear to be a look-alike to that of elves.

"Where does it hurt?" one with plump lips ask and it's now I realize the said men are for a fact naked. Surprisingly, I can't seem to tear my eyes away. They don't even fret about being naked in the middle of my kitchen.

"Everywhere!" The one named Jimin(I think) says in an expergefaction. He manages to stand up in a stride with the aid of the other men.

"Perhaps we should have come with more knowledge on how humans react!" a tall one thinks our loud making the rest of the naked men yell in unison 'you think?'.

Are they part of a circus frame or what? Are they even body builders? Cause damn, they can build on my body anytime. Shut up Nari, enough with the dirty thoughts. A bunch of men are in my kitchen acting okay with being in my kitchen.

"Will you people stop the verbigerate in my kitchen!" I yell.

They all snap their heads in my direction and widen their eyes. They look shocked? One with a doe-like-eye comes forward and waves his hands in my face. "Can you see us?"

Who wouldn't be able to see this load of events happening? "Of course I can see you people. Now you will all explain to me who the hell you are and what you're doing in my house before I call the police and charge you with breaking and entering."

They all stare at me then to each other, bursting into a roll of laughter. I'm pretty sure I don't have a mascara smudge somewhere on my face.

"From what I've read, 'the police' are just earth's superficial authority!" The tall one says making the rest laugh harder.

I cross my arms to make me look tougher. Well they weren't wrong the police force is just an epitome of superficiality. Incompetence courses through their so-called excuse of a badge.

But why are they speaking as though they weren't from here?

The naked men all pass by me and take a walk to my living room. They don't own the place.

Fight against looking down.

Settling down on my cushion-which I now have to change because of their naked butts— one of them sighs.

Now this is much more worse.

"You know, I was hoping for more of a grand entry to earth. It has been quite a long journey," one with a pale ash skin as sugar says.

"Same as I. It does look smaller in my perspective. We should have bought Y/n.
I, all of a sudden miss her!"

What's a Y/n? It sounds like an intergalactic space duck. The men proceed to continuing their conversing, paying no mind to my existence whatsoever. I follow along curious if they were planing on leaving yet.

"Me too. But someone had to watch the space ducks. I would have volunteered Taehyung but he seem rather conversant than any body."

"They get lonely." A boxy grin appears on his face.

"Hey!" I yell gaining their attention and snapping them to realisation they were invading my space. "I will ask again: who the hell are you people? and what are you doing in my home?"

Sharing a look, one naked male clears his throat and flashes a heart shaped smile. "Dear human, we are aliens."



[A/N] Unedited

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