19~Project E-20

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I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
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I awaken to a dull pain underlying the numbness in my right arm, and I'm enveloped by the stench of rotting leaves

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I awaken to a dull pain underlying the numbness in my right arm, and I'm enveloped by the stench of rotting leaves. Even before I open my eyes, I know I'm not at home. The air is heavy and damp, pressing against my skin like a clammy shroud. Where am I?

When I do decide to open my eyes my vision is sleep-blurred and unreliable. All I see are moving shapes of light and dark, of color and shadow- an indistinct jig-saw puzzle.

I try to rub away the sleep fogging my vision with the fingers of my hands but to my surprise it has been restricted by...a rope?

It appears I've stumbled into a world of giant men. This man beside me, who I know only by the rolling, thundering sound of his voice, has no head, or maybe it is lost underneath the blur of my eye. The commanding tone in his voice is the only thing that alerts me that there are other people in the room.

He keeps talking, his voice has this weird way of dropping into a baritone before every pause. I don't know. My head hurts.

There is the smell of rubbing alcohol, sharp and distinct. All over again, my eyelids feel weighted shut, light glowing through them in a reddish-yellow assurance that at least I haven't been dumped in a dark alley.

It occurred to me what happened in the alley after I excited the store. A pang of pain emitted from the back of my head, I groan.

My brain is awake now, with a primal surge of adrenaline that should carry me up to standing but not only is their restrictions in my hands but in my legs also.

A background noise, a soft intermittent electronic chirp, comes to the forefront now as it gathers speed, the chirps closer together.

The shuffle of footsteps bring warm fingers that press my arm lightly. "Ah, you're awake." The voice is hoarse.

"Can she even hear a words that is being accounted to her?" A crescendo voice inquired.

"Bring ice. I hear that has it's way of bring back the conscious state of earthlings."

At least the ringing in my ears didn't serve as a hindrance. Although, did I hear well or are these men aliens? And were they planing to dump ice on me in order to make my drowsy state, less drowsy.

High heels clicking against the tiled floor alerted me of a more feminine person heading towards my helpless self and-

A gasp escalated from my throat as I feel iced water on my skin. Indeed they were right, it was enough to make my drowsy state less drowsy. I am able to make out a much clearer visual of the figures in the room.

"Ah, the invisible technology roaming space was right." The baritone man beams. "Earthling, its nice to meet your conscious state."

Oh, he's also an Alien. Looking around, they all are aliens. The dirty looking type.

"I believe her ears are ringing still," says the crescendo voiced male. "Perhaps we should stream the water into them."

"Who are you people?" My voice comes out groggy and strained. Now that I am able to get a much more clearer view of where I am, I realized it looks like an abandoned basement.

One thing thay seizes to illuminates the room is the faulty and broken ceiling lamp. The sun, thankfully fills that role. The windows are broken and shattered on the Marble tiled floor which has scarlet red stains on it.

The only pieces of furniture that decorated the room were the chair which restricted me and a table. Painting of graffiti married on the wall. Not only were there three awful-looking aliens, but also multiple. Multiple that looked angry or just irritated.

"She might be the first human earthling not to ask 'what we are'. It makes me like her." The female beams. I might have only seen the men but this female Alien looks the most magnificently crave, she had her proportions the right places. And, Jungkook was right. She does have ventrals on her chest. How does it feel?

"I would if she didn't house trouble."

"What are you people talking about?" At my words, a pang of pain hit my head once more. I hiss at the pain.

"The fellow species of aliens under your residence."

"Oh, you're speaking of the seven alien men. They are the cutest!" I laugh. Probably my hitting the hard brick wall caused a nerve struck.

"In this state she has resulted to expressing her mirth." Crescendo speaks. "The human species will forever hold condescendence."

"What is taking so long for a piece of information to be relinquished?" A deepened voice coming from the entrance to the room inquired. The aliens in front of me all bow their head down so as to not meet the new person's gaze. More like they are afraid to.

The clicking of his shoes and a gold watch that almost blinded me said, this newly arrived Alien wasn't one to toy with. His color spoke blue, his elves ears were shaped and protruding at a right level. He didn't smile, he didn't blink as he approached me. He was stoic.

Immediate fear courses through me. "What do you people wish from me?"

"Oh, my! We are getting straight to business here I see." His deep laugh boomed through the room. "We... I mean I. Require from you, a piece of information."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about project E-20 . Surely, you aren't as dumb as you look."

Realization settled through me. "I hold no information on that project. It's a restricted file."

He pats his chest. "Not restricted. You along with a bunch of scientist were involved in that project. You were part of the anchoress."

"I don't know anything about a project E-20." I defended.

"If you don't want to relinquish that information," he smirks. "We just have to force it out of you."



[A/N] Unedited

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