15~Perform A heart Surgery

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The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
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A feeling of fear claws my stomach in problematic discomfort that I begin to think it's a cognitive symptom

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A feeling of fear claws my stomach in problematic discomfort that I begin to think it's a cognitive symptom. Burning sensation begins to boil up at the peak of my stomach. Had I known that fear would be like this, I would have taken a chill pill.

My legs, at the point of giving up, carry me through the busy streets of Seoul. I run past the people but not before catching a glimpse of the looks on their faces. Genuine concern. Maybe because they think I am a psychopathic patient in need of withstrain.

I should have though about my messy hair, the top and bottom lingerie, lack of any footwear before I dashed out of Kia's house. Even when he offer whole-heartedly to drive me to the hospital.

On my account, the aliens also had shown their concern for what Yuri's cause of call stated. Which was; 'mom and dad' were back but injured badly. I didn't think to say anything more to anyone as I left.

The topic that originally bought Yuri here has found itself in the family hospital downtown. How the heck did that happen? I got them our of there in time. I probably should gave convinced them not to go into that space ship.

My sprinting comes to a halt when I teach the hospital. My breathing vigorous in ire. Ire because if they are in the hospital now, shouldn't I or Yuri have been aware? That stupid general want a my parents to die before their time. That's uncalled for.

I slam open the doors of the large hospital, making the nearby nurses and doctors jump up in fear.

Yuri tout de suite jumps up from one of the reception chairs. Her eyes bloodshot red, her hair also in a tangled mess and her in her duckie pyjamas.

"Where are our parents?" I ask in the heat of tearing up.

"The doctors are still running some necessary test on them and they should be out shortly." Her voice shakey but calm. I wonder how she's able to keep her cool without an outburst.

"When did they get back?"

"T-they got back about a week ago!"

Disappointment flutters its way to my forehead. I could come relapse into a wavey mess of bi-polar right now. If the general knew of their earlier arrival, why the hell didn't he tell us?

Was that even the whole on reason why his administered me back my job? He only did it not to look bad in front of my parents. That spiteful good for nothing bastard.

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