Solinh (+Kam)-Beaches n' Pieces (Part 3)

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A/N: This is a continuation, and the second to last part (Maybe. Thinking about a fourth part after the next one) of the first Solinh fanfic in this book.

In this, the beach trial has passed, and Solinh has decided to hangout, and it's presumed that Solinh is now dating.

Based upon this, you can safely assume that Solinh has revealed themselves to each other, but Kam has not.

I will do my best to write the tension between Kam, but no promises.... And maybe if I get enough requests, I'll contemplate a 2.5 for this.

And to set up the plot, Sophie and Linh are NOT out to people, and everyone at school assume that Sokeefe is dating because they are so close, (and Keefe is a flirt/Sophie has gotten tired/too absorbed in Linh to deny Keefe/people are dense for the plot and see what they want to see/man that was a run-on sentence, don't do that people) so you should pick up that people think Sokeefe is a thing, Solinh=best friends, and Kam isn't even remotely a possibility.

And Dex, Biana, Fitz, etc, they are not currently relevant to the plot, so I will not write them in.

Maybe a few mentions here and there, but other than that...... Not really.

Let's go, shall we?

Also, it's third person POV.


A/N: Yes, this is strangely reminiscent of my Sotam fanfic.

Linh called up the stairs to Tam, feet bouncing, shoeless, keys in hand.


Linh smiled wryly, imagining his comb flicking through his silver bangs, the sound of the hairspray, the hair gel, and all the various tubs of just hair products.

Tam's side of the sink was littered with all these sprays, looking like an organized war zone, while Linh's side was sparse, with little compacts, brushes, and pens in small, decorated jars.

Linh checked her reflection once in the mirror by the stairwell.

She had winged her eyeliner, just a little bit, added blush and mascara, and put her long hair in a lace braid that she had seen on the internet.

With a white long sleeved, sun-baked brick-colored spaghetti strap flowing crop top, and skinny black jeans, Linh looked pretty, in a simple, yet styled way.

Tam finally got out of the bathroom, in a white t-shirt, black denim jacket, and skinny black jeans, with his hair looking like it did everyday, a little tousled, and a little styled.

"Here! You drive!"

Linh tossed the keys to Tam, who fumbled with them, dropping them and falling to his knees in an effort to catch the colored metal.

Linh giggled, Tam glaring up at her from the floor.

"I don't know why I fall for that everytime...."


Tam grumbled, heading out of the house.

Linh skipped to their matte black car, packed bag in hand.

"The mall, right?"

Tam pulled out of the driveway.


"And I'm just going to be following you two around?"

"Well, maybe."


Tam frowned.

"I only agreed to take you because I'd be mostly left alone."

"Who's the maybe?"

"Remember Keefe?"

Tam groaned.

"Don't tell me that doofus is tagging along."

"I've never seen worse hair. He'd look better bald."



"That's not nice!"

"I'm not a nice person."

Linh sat back, pouting as Tam drove towards the mall, but the mood lightened as they got closer.

She was going to see Sophie.

The monster truck came out of nowhere.


Getting out of the car, Sophie pounded up the porch steps and started to rap sharply on Keefe's front door.

After a few seconds of calling him from the outside and pounding on the door with no answer, Sophie took out her phone and called him.

"Keefe! What's taking you so long?"

Sophie heard a few cans banging around, something clatter to the floor, and the sucking sound of jars opening and closing.

"Doing my hair,"

Came the muffled voice.

"Ugh. It shouldn't take THIS long!"

"Well, it does. I want to look my best."

"It's just the mall Keefe. And you're not even the one going on a date. You're just coming along because you need to get something from the mall that you won't tell me what."

"That's because you wouldn't know what it is, Foster."

Rolling her eyes, Sophie told Keefe to hurry up, and that she would be in her car.

Her lashes were getting itchy, but Sophie resisted the temptation to pluck them out, one by one.

She had painstakingly applied mascara to them, and was not going to do anything to her hard work.

After 583 seconds of waiting anxiously in the car, and numerous texts of increased urgency for Keefe to hurry up, the pair was finally able to begin the fortunately short drive to the mall.

"So what's this mysterious thing you need to buy at the mall?"

Keefe crossed his arms.

"Something. That only I can get. Which means not you."

"You only said that you needed to get it after I said Tam was dropping Linh off. And tailing us."

"So? I only remembered it after you told me. There's nothing about it."


"Speaking of which, how do you like my hair?"

"We weren't even talking about your hair Keefe."

"You said Tam, and he has such awful hair, that it reminded me of how great MY hair was, so yes, we were talking about it."

Sophie rolled her eyes, and glanced sideways at him.

"Looks normal to me."

"Which means awesome."

"Thanks Foster!"


"Now you're just as bad as Tam."

"Didn't realize you spent enough time with him to pick up on his sarcasm."

"I don't. You can just tell with him."

The car fell silent, as the two thought about their respective Song twins.

They didn't even have time to brake.

A/N: Oop. That was... Who wants part 4? !!! :P

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