Chapter Three

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"Phil! Phil holy shit come here.", I shout from the bathroom, stomping following.

"What?", he asks, looking in the mirror to see my expression since my back is turned towards him.

"I'm pregnant. Look at the lines they are so clear!"

He comes up behind me and looks over my shoulder and into the bin: "Oh my gosh. How do you feel?!"

"Good!", is all I bring out before turning around and hugging Phil. He laughs at my response and squeezes me tightly: "Oh fuck shouldn't do that.", he says and let's go off me. I bend down to grab the test and hold it in front of the light to get a better view.

"Y/N, I'm so happy for you guys seriously, Dan will be so excited and you both will make the best, most open, inclusive and supportive parents ever!"

Putting down the test on the sink, tears dwell up in my eyes and I sit down on the closed toilet: "I'm so overwhelmed."

"No, no, don't be.", Phil responds and kneels down next to me on the floor, "You guys will be just fine trust me, you'll figure everything out."

I smile weakly at him: "Thank you Philly, but how will I tell him, or my parents, or anyone for that matter?"

The next couple of hours while Dan is still out are spent by figuring out how I'll tell him and taking another, now digital, test that clearly has written the word "pregnant" on it.

Just right before he got home, Phil and I prepared the perfect way to reveal my pregnancy to my fiance.

"Honey, I'm home!", Dan sings as he enters the front door. I hear him coming towards the lounge where I am sitting on the couch: "Babe, I'm in here."

When he comes into the room, I see a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands as he walks over to kiss me: "Hope the smell doesn't make you feel sicker. How are you?", he says and hands me the gift.

"Awe, I don't deserve you. Thank you so much. And I'm actually feeling a lot fitter."

Dan smiles as he sits down next to me and kisses my shoulder: "That's good to hear. Where's Phil? I thought you wanted to watch a movie together."

"We did, we did. But he's out right now, grabbing some food.", I lie about the movie part but he actually is getting some celebratory dinner.

"Well looks like we have the house all to ourselves then.", Dan laughs and gently pushed me down on the sofa. I put my hand on his chest: "Actually, I have something even better for you waiting in the bedroom."

He raises his eyebrows and smirks when I take his hand and guide him to our bedroom, laughing internally because I know that he definitely doesn't expect me to call him daddy for a different reason than usual in just a few moments.

:DAN - the sequel Where stories live. Discover now