Field trip (#2)

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Another field trip fic


I woke up to May pounding on my door at half seven in the morning.

"Peter you are going to be late. Mr Stark is going to be here in five minutes."

Right, it's the field trip today. Mr Stark is giving me a lift to school, where we are getting a bus to Avengers Tower. It's going to be weird having a tour around my second home, knowing how it everything works.

In record time I get dressed, wolf down some food and sprint front our apartment heading out to the street below. A sleek black car is sat waiting for me, containing my mentor and body guard.

"Hi Mr Stark, Hi happy. Sorry I am late I over slept."

"No problem kid. You excited for today." I shrug in response, my gaze shifting to the very interesting head rest Infront of me.

The car starts and we head of to school in silence. I can tell Tony wanted to speak multiple times, but obviously decided against it until we reached the school parking lot.

"See you soon kid." He called as I exited the car. I waved, feeling bad for being such a douche. But a lot is going through my mind.

Flash for one. He is either going to flip shit when he realises I do in fact have a Stark internship or he is going to accuse me for faking it. Either way it will be annoying and I am not in the mood for his shit today.

On the way to the hall I bump into MJ, Ned and Wade. They are all buzzing with excitement, even Wade who had been over a thousand times and have met every single avenger, including the ones who don't live at the tower.

"Hey baby boy, you excited." Wade says rather too loudly. We receive very judgemental stares.

"I mean I have been round the labs and that countless times." I shrug, taking a seat at the back of the hall.

Before anyone else can say anything my science teacher Mr Harrington clears his throat into the mic.

"Hello students, before we leave I am going to take a register and go over the rules."

Great! More pain!


"Oh my god we are nearly there!"

"Ned shut up you have been saying that for the past ten minutes." I whisper yell, pushing my earphones further into my ears.

"Hey don't take your bitchiness out on me Parker." Ned whined, sicking into his seat. MJ chuckled at our childishness, but Wade just looked worried.

"It'll be fine Petey. Stark won't embarrass you that much."

"It's not him I'm worried about." As if on cue a ball of paper hit me square in the face. Flash and his goons were laughing their heads off. Wade got up to punch him but I held him down.

I am not letting anyone get hurt today. It'll be bad enough trying to keep The Avengers of Flash, never mind the Merc with a mouth.

Flash shouted something derogatory and childish, but I managed to tune it out until the bus stopped.

I made sure I was the last person off. Everyone else flocked into the building whilst I dwindled behind. I tried not to make eye contact with any of the receptionists. My phone began to buzz in my pocket.

I fumbled to get it out.

"Mr Parker your back early. Your shift doesn't start until 4pm." Friday's robotic voice boomed in the lobby.

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