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i felt the cold winter breeze hit my face as i stood up on my, spray painted, black bike. my hair blowing behind me. i let a laugh as i began to pick up speed going down hill. i sniffed the air, smelling barbecue food. i sat back down on my bike.

just as i was about to pass the street i had to turn on, i made a sharp turn. my bike defied gravity as i almost hit the ground but came back up perfectly. i narrowed my eyes looking around the park to see if cailin, one of my best friends, was at the park yet. but i did not see here in the crowd of kids. i went over the curb onto the sidewalk.

as the park came closer into view i slowed down. i moved my one leg so that both feet could reach my right petal as i turned slightly. i jumped off my bike just before a tree. kicking down my kickstand i moved my bike closer to the tree.

once i had parked my bike next to the tree i walked up to the park. kids, probably ranging from the age of eight to my age, where playing a game like volleyball in front of me using the swings as a net. i walked over to the slide on the playground and sat at the end of it.

looking down at the sleeves of my hoodie that covered my hands. i smiled at the thought of my hoodie. it had been a present from my aunt. written on the sleeves was "jingleball twenty nineteen" and on the back was everyone who performed for the show. why don't we, my favorite band, was there. halsey who was one of my favorite solo artists also attended. sadly i didn't get to go with my aunt do to it being a school night.

"hey kaitlynn! you want to play?" one of the boys playing asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"nah i am good." i smiled at him.

cailin is taking forever! where the hell is she? you know what i am mind linking this girl.

"hey, where are you?" i asked threw the mind link.

"jeez are you trying to make me fall off my bike?" her voice rang threw my head.

"no, but if that will make you get here faster..." i smiled.

"i am like five minutes." she told me, i knew she rolled her eyes even through i could not see her.

"okay, hurry up i am lonely." i told her laying back on the slide messing with the strings on my hoodie.

"really? i thought there would be people there." she asked.

"there are, i just don't want to talk to them." i let out a little laugh.

"you really are someone whittles besson." cailin laughed.

"i know, cailin avery." i smirk tugged on my lips.

cailin just laughed. i told her i would see her soon before ending the mind link. i sat back up seeing an argument unfold. i rolled my eyes as the two teams playing the volleyball like game fought.

"idiots." i mumbled under my breath.

people started to leave. after around three minutes everyone was gone. i moved over to the swing. taking a seat on one of the lowest swings. i swung back and forth putting my head back behind me as i swung.

"whittles besson!" i heard my nickname being screamed.

i leaned back up so i could see who was cailin me. it was cailin. she was wearing a black hoodie and black pants, her hood up like always. i jumped off the swing landing perfectly. she stood right in front of me with smile.

"hey cailin." i smiled as we did the why don't we handshake.

"i thought you said there where people here?" she looked around seeing the deserted park.

"they all left a few minutes ago." i shrugged walking back over to the swings.

i placed my right hand on the baby swings chain. thinking about my plain to get on it. it was at least two feet in the air, which was a little less then half my height. i grabbed the other chain with my left hand and pulled myself up. once my knee meet with the leg hole i stopped pulling myself up. instead i placed my knee in the right hole and foot in the left. i kept my balance as i took my knee of the swing and put my foot in the swing.
after i found my balance i did the same with my other foot.

i turned around and faced cailin who was laughing. i rolled my eyes at her as she laughed her way over to the swing next to me.

we started discussing our day and then played some music. we sang along to some of our favorite songs. at one point a guy that just happened to be walking by told us to shut up. but of course we ignored him.

"i don't want a trust fund baby! i love my women independent!" i screamed makings fist with my one hand and placing it over my chest where my heart would be, the other in the air.

we continued doing this for an hour. every once an a while when a dog would come by i would scream the word "doggo". then we would laugh at the retractions of the owners or other pedestrians.

❝𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙎𝙀𝘾𝙍𝙀𝙏❞  𝚌.𝚖.𝚋. | 𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎Where stories live. Discover now