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i looked at the five boys in front of me, freezing up. i looked around trying to figure out who was closest to me. it happened to be corbyn. without a thought i ran and hugged him. he stumbled back a little bit.

he hugged me back without question but i could hear the faint laugh of cailin.

"of course whittles." i heard her mumble just loud enough for me to hear with my heightened senses.

"can you let go of me?" corbyn asked trying to get out of my hug.

i just shook my head no. i could feel the stairs of the other boys. the only thing really to be heard was the wind and cailin jumping off the swing and landing next to me.

"don't you dare." i said threw the mind link.

she just chuckled before i felt a poke on my side. i threw my arms to me side and jumped back a bit. a small squeak left my lips as my face heated up.

i sent a glare towards Cailin. she just chuckled and shook her head. i crossed my arms and scoffed.

"fuck you." i muttered not loud enough for a human to hear, but just loud enough vampire to hear.

"sorry about that. her reaction to being in shock is hugging someone." cailin shook her head at me, as i rolled my eyes. "just poke her side to get her off."

i looked at her as she said the last part. my mouth open and my eyes filled had a hint of red in them.

"do not poke my side, ever!" i yelled trying not to growl yet sound intimidating. that didn't go so well, when i am not growing and trying to sound intimating i usually just sound like a pissed off five year old.

"anyway i am cailin and this is whittles." the five guys gave Carolina questionable look when she said my last name. "she liked to be called by her last name." the boys nodded a few of there mouths making and 'o' shape.

i looked at the group noticing what that jonah was wearing a Harry Potter shirt. a smirk formed on my face.

"so you all are fans, right?" zach asked us.

"yup." cailin and i said simultaneously.

"hey jonah? i cant help but notice your Harry Potter shirt. my friends and i are all potterheads and often put celebrity's in hogwarts houses. we where discussing y'all when we came upon a disagreement. so may i ask, what house are you in?" i asked trying to sound formal.

"i am in gryffindor, and you are in?" jonah smiled.

"i am sure you can guess." i let out a little laugh.

"i am going to make the guess that you are a hufflepuff. but also i think you might be a ravenclaw." he said analyzing me.

"i am a proud little hufflepuff!" i yelled tilting my heads up, making a fist with my left hand and put it over my heart. then returned to a normal standing position. "but ravenclaw is my second house. which honestly makes sense. loyalty comes before anything but then its witts and grades."

"what about you cailin?" jack asked looking her in the eye.

"ravenclaw," she smiled. "but i am in no way as smart as whittles over hear. she gets straight a's and some classes she has over a hundred."

"you are smarter then me! especially in english! i can't spell to save my life!" i yelled trying to get my point across.

"yeah you are right but then again i don't think i was the one who did seven extra credit assignments just because she had a eighty five." she shook her head at me.

"look i am not as bad as kayra! if she doesn't have a hundred on everything then she freaks the fuck out!" i threw my hands up in the air.

"i guess you are right, but i told you not to bring her up." she scolded me.

"got it, sorry." i gave her a smile before turning back to the boys who where all watching, confused.

"So what about the rest of y'all?" i asked them.

❝𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙎𝙀𝘾𝙍𝙀𝙏❞  𝚌.𝚖.𝚋. | 𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎Where stories live. Discover now