Your mad, I'm back, Big Mac!

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HeYo! If you're here, Mad respect. ReSpEcT. ANtway, read on! Also, I was tryna find a good vid, but this is what cha got. Im sorry.

                                                                              *Denki's POV*

                                           After Mina and Rio's 'Dance training for the noobs', I went to sleep. I wanted to see Shinso as fast as I could. I felt like it was my fault he got hurt. Maybe he'd forgive me... He will. I know so. 

                                                                                    *ahaha, the next dae*

                                               I woke up and got ready for school. I was excited. I put on my uniform and ran out the door. When I got to class, there was Kiri, Deku, Bakugou, and.... "Shinso!" I hurried to him. "Kami! Are you okay?" Shinso pulled me into a hug. "Yeah, I'm fine. But how's your arm?" I asked. "It's okay. I can't over  use it though." We talked all until class started. Finally, my life was getting better. After class, Mina came up to me. "Soooo How's Shinso?" She looked as if she wanted us to...yeah. "He's fine. I'm really happy he's back." I spoke the truth, "Of course you are. You're his boyfriend."

                                               "Mina," I said. "Come on." She shrugged. "It's the truth." I walked away and went to hang with Shinso. He smiled. "Hey Pikachu." "Hey Shin. I'm really bored." Shin shrigged. "No one told me about the new girl." That's when I remembered. "Hey Rio! Come meet Shinso!" I Yelled. Rio came over. "Hey Denki. And you must be Shinso." Shinso nodded and pulled me close to him. "Shin, she's okay." Rio nodded. "Okay.."His grip on me loosened. "But yeah. I'm Rio. Nice to meet you." She smiled and left.

                                                 "I don't like her.." He said. "And you didn't like me and here we are." I said smiling." "Yeah." He kissed me before leaving. 

Maybe my titles are weird....WHATEVER. Advice for the day:  Don't trust talking dogs. IM LOOKING AT YOU MARTHA!! Bye!!!

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