Chapter 1 First meet

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Auther's P.O.V

Buttercup woke up in annoyed expression. She wake up screaming like someone pissed her off which startled all of her maids standing outside of her door. One of the maids came in to check if she's alright. Fear was on the maid's face when she saw Buttercup screaming at the sun and throwing her pillow to it and quickly close her courtains to cover the sun's beam on her.

Buttercup P.O.V

I woke up by my alarm clock alarming me to wake up. The alarm annoyed me, so I quickly turn it off. Before I could get up, I feel the sun was shinning on me. "Go shine someone else and not me!" I scream and throw a pillow at it and quickly close my lime green curtains. I turn around only to see a scared maid. It looks like I startled her and maybe all of the other maids. Its not my fault I have a high pitch voice everytime I scream. "Miss Buttercup breakfast is ready down stairs" another maid came in. I just nod. She grabbed the other maid's and snap her out in her fear and went out of my room. I quickly arrange my bed and took a quick shower before heading downstairs. After I took a shower I put on my usual clothes. I wear a high waist line black skinny jeans and a lime green long sleeve crop top. I didn't bother to put make up on. I put my hair into a simple ponytail and let my bangs hang. After changing I went downstairs, and saw my dad reading a newspaper and drinking his coffee. My dad was a one of the famous restler in Japan. And of course we had a big house and all But I really don't care.

I took my breakfast and skate my way to school. I arrived at the entrance of my school and saw my best friends Blossom and Bubbles. I know that they're into girly stuff and all but they can be really cool sometimes, not to mention very loyal to me. "Good morning Buttercup!" Bubbles greeted me cheerfully. "Morning Bubs" I said in a clam tone. Bubbles just smile. We went inside the school and walk our way to our classroom. While walking through the hallways, I felt someone grabbed my wrist which made me angry. I turned around to see who grabbed my wrist. My anger rise when I saw the person who grabbed my wrist "what the hell do you want Mitch?" I said in a angry tone but it doesn't seem to scare him most student would run and avoid getting a fight but he didn't. "Easy, I want you butterbabe" when he said the word butterbabe, I quickly punch him in the face which made him fall to the ground. I take my chance to walk away and head to my class.

*After Class (Cuz I'm too lazy =_=)*

After class, I went to the field for my 30 mins soccer practice, and after my soccer practice I have my karate club. I went to the field which was empty. I took out my phone to see what time it is. "2:56pm its still early" I said ti myself. My soccer practice starts at 3 so I did some warm up before everyone comes. 4 mins past and everyone is now here. We waited for our couch to come and seconds later he came. We start our practice when our couch came.

*30 mins later*

After my soccer practice I quickly went to the girl's room and change into my normal clothe. After changing I took a quick look at my phone to see what time was it and it was 3:35pm. I ran to my karate club. Why? Because in my karate club no one is allowed to be late so you have to be atleast 5 mins early. Because if I don't, I will have challenge with my sensie. And I don't want to challenge him. One time a kid in our club was like 10 seconds late he had a challenge with him. And it didn't go well infact it was really bad. He ended up staying at the hospital. After all that, we learned our lesson not to be late. Not even 1 second late.

*30 mins later (again I'm super lazy)

I'm so tired. I quickly skate my way home. "What a long day" I said to myself. It was getting dark and my home is still a few more blocks so I take a shortcut through the alleys. I know its not safe for a girl like me to walk through all the alleys but I'm not like all those sissy girls who always cried for help in any danger. I went through the alleys and while walking there, I notice all the guys whispering and looking at me. Some look at me from head to toe. 'Perverts' I said to my head. I ignore them and keep walking until I was nearly at the end of the alley. But before I could get out, a strong arm grabbed me and drag me through the wall. "What the hell!?" I shout and saw two guys. One of the guy was holding (more like pinning me) through the wall and the other one was standing behind. "Hey you look like a nice girl why don't you come with us and play?" I quickly saw a knife in his pocket of the other guy from behind. I use my skills to get out of his grip and it worked then the guy from behind quickly took out his knife. I quickly dodge the guy before he make a move. I took his knife and throw it far away. I beat up the two guy until they have finally had enough and run. I did the same when I saw the time and it was.."8'o clock!? Shoot! Dad's gonna kill me" I run as fast as I can until I finally reach my house.

I stop at my front door. I can feel my heart beat fast and took a deep breathes and went inside only to face my angry father. But once he turn around to see me his angry face transform into a worried look. I must be really messy during the fight. He quickly run to me "what happened to you? Are you alright?" He keep asking and asking until I had enough and said "Yes I'm fine I just got a fight with some two perverts at the alleys". He hug me so tight until I saw someone sitting on the couch staring at us. "Dad who's that?" I said pointing at the boy he looked like he's at my age but a little bit older. He pulled out from the hug and said "Oh I forgot Buttercup meet Butch he's your new body guard he's at the same age as you so he'll be going to the same school with you"

To be continue...

Hope you all enjoy chapter one! Have nice day/night!❤

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