Prologue / Intro

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Have you ever heard a story so many times as a kid?

A story that you loved and could listen to a million times. It could be your mom or dad, your grandparents, a friend, who would tell the story and as time went on, you knew the story by heart.
It could be a myth, maybe about a goddess, or it could be a fantasy story about a prince, a witch or a mermaid. It could be a horror story or even a story about tragedy like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or Othello.
These stories, you knew them and were ready to tell your kids, one day.

But here is the thing, I was one of those stories...


Here is something about me:
When I was a kid, I had nightmares every week and when I would wake up, my dad would tell me about the story of how magical-people came to live in the same galaxy, our galaxy.

Y/N Alissa Aphrodite Merlin Hearth, crown princess of the Wizarding World and the galactic Andromeda, a dwarf galaxy with 25.000 light years.
There are two galaxies we know next two each other from Andromeda, The Milky Way and a galaxy called "The galaxy". What a name.

Now you may ask, how you can be crown princess of a whole galaxy.
Merlin was the greatest wizard of all time, he was set to be so powerful, that when the war in Andromeda broke out, he used his power to win. There he met Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, love and sex. She is set to be so gorgeous, and so pure hearted, the kindest of all, that every person loved her. She won the bitter sweet Merlin's heart.
Starting the royal family, creating a democracy that everyone loved. There were traditions that followed, new rules that came and so on, that everyone agreed to.

A question I often would ask my dad was
"How did Merlin get from one galaxy to another. It's so long ago, with no technology" and he would simply smile and continue with the story.

Now the royal family kept one tradition forever, that to only get one child, often ending up with being a boy. Then the King and Queen would travel to galaxy Milky Way, land on Earth, and the kid would attend a Wizarding school till they graduated.

It would often be Hogwarts you would attend. Merlin himself was sorted into Slytherin and the family with its tradition became either Hufflepuff or Slytherin. It's was fine if you were sorted into Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, but it was rare.

Looking back at how my family won the war, simply by power. Merlin was born with a protection power in his pure-blood. A protection from the killing curse. It is a spell, but if you pointed a wand at a royal family member who comes from the line of his blood, and that wand gave the killing curse spell, you wouldn't be affected. You wouldn't die. That was his power, immortal from a death spell.
Now Aphrodite, her also pure-blood gave the gift of love and beauty, so whether you were Slytherin, known to be a cruel house, you were still kind and good hearted. You had the power of leadership, were determined and ambitious, and you had beauty, goddess beauty.
There was one thing that you could tell apart from a royal blood member and a normal person. These two god-powers merged together and created one thing that told you apart from anyone else.

Heterochromia, two color emerge in your eyes. The killing curse was the green color and y/e/c (if you have green, you can choose brown, blue or maybe grey)

 The killing curse was the green color and y/e/c (if you have green, you can choose brown, blue or maybe grey)

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The story about our family was told throughout the galaxy and the Wizarding world. Then it somehow got spread to the non-magic and to other galaxies. The non-magic says it's a myth and it's just urban story, but other galaxies, they know that it's probably true. And the three galaxies knew about one prophecy that was made, many feared.

Have you ever thought of the prophecy Harry Potter and the death eaters tried to get, but got destroyed?
In the ministry of magic, level 9 department, The Hall of Prophecy. These prophecies where made from our mind, our vision. What also made this special was one of the crown prince or princesses, king or queen, would each get one vision about something good happening to them or  what they want and desire the most. Some got power, some got love, they saw a baby in their hand or a wedding dress, maybe they saw something else.

These special prophecies would be collected in a special room, for only few to enter. There was a whole collection of these hundreds and hundreds of years old.
That is why our family stayed smart, because we know things that will happen, that others don't.

In 1867, a prophecy was made, that a girl is born. To be as beautiful as the goddess herself, as powerful with hand magic like Merlin was and smarter than you would ever think. The kindest of them all, a girl who had courage.
An awakening of the goddess...

Author Note:
Hope you guys will like the story. It's my first time and I thought I wanted a little challenge with bringing two universes in one. I am just posting this story as it goes, because I have already finished it a long time ago.

Kylo Ren is going to be around chapter 6 and 9, if you wanna get to meet him faster.

Quick thing, imagine Harry Potter was born in the 2000. I want to keep the iPhones and so away still, but I want the modern world and clothes and style.

So, their first year is actually in 2011 and that fantastic beast, Newt Scamander was born around the same time as the other parents. So around 1960/1965. So, they are 35/40 years old when they have a child.

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