Chapter 9 - Huh?

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"A droid?" I laughed a little.

I put my hand up to about the same height as him

"you, great minded, are trying to find a" I put my other hand down to how small the thing could be "droid?"

As unnoticeable it was, you could hear a small chuckle from him.

"Yes, it has a map leading to Luke Skywalker..."

"Oh, yeah, I heard about that. Poe Dameron got the map and gave it to his BB-unit" I continued


"I saw"


"You know it" I said, 'that was close'

"Of course," Kylo said, with a small eye roll in the end

I looked at him, with a questioning hint in my eye "Would you care to walk with me? As much as the whole Dark Side thing is with you, you wouldn't mind talking with an old "friend"? Would you?" I asked

Kylo looked back at the fainted vision of the castles grounds and back at me again.

"It would be an honor"

As I went over to Kylo, I took his helmet out of his hand and placed it in my basket, while he didn't seem to mind.

Him and I started walking, we talked, or more he asked, about the years at Hogwarts, I did mention Draco, because I felt the need of him to know.

"I'm sorry to hear about your loss"

"Thank you, it comes and go the pain, and I have learned how to control my emotions by now, even tho it took months of learning." I said

"Well, I have a question. As for the droid, I heard all about the stormtrooper Fn-2187 escaping and finding its way back to Jakku with a resistance, Dameron again? The droid found its way over to someone, a scavenger? And now that Finn, the ex-trooper found her and is escaping. You tried attacking them, but they got away. Do you think you know where they are now?"

"A scavenger you say?" Kylo stopped and turned to look down at me. He is 6'3(1.90 m) feet and I am, without heels on, y/h (Your height).

"Much as I tried to get a full prophecy, that is all I remember from a month or two ago. Tho I haven't had time telling you, you know."

"Yeah, I see."

"But what are your plans now? Find them?" I asked

"Supreme Leader hasn't said anything yet, we don't fear a scavenger"

"Be careful what you say Ren, she could be more powerful than you think. But as for the droid and where they are now. I can maybe help The First Order. Help you" I said. Looking at him

"With your knowledge, being alliance with your planet, kingdom, that would be very helpful. Already telling me that she is a scavenger, I didn't know that"

I smiled at what he said "Come on, let's go inside. I can show you around the castle, again" I said. I gave Kylo his helmet back and he put it on.

When we got inside, we were met by General Tashia.

"Commander, we need you. Supreme Leader is calling" She said and looked at me

"Oh, go on, I will see you guys later anyways" I said, she gave me a small head bow and the two of them walked down the hall to the meeting room.


I put on my nightgown and let my hair down.
I opened the glass door to the balcony, and step by step, I walked out. Getting to the edge of the balcony, I looked down. You could see a garden field with flowers and lots of roses. With a small water pond in the middle and a stone wall around the garden.

I could sense a spirit around. A dark tall figure, sitting down, leaning against the stone wall, looking up at the stars

"Didn't know pretty boy was still awake by this time?"

Kylo stood up and walked over to get a better view of what he was looking up at. Me.

"Go get some rest, you need it. And we will talk tomorrow" I said.

Kylo looked at me and hesitated if it was a good idea to be talking, "goodnight, Ali"

"Sweet dreams to you too, Kylo"

What we didn't know was, a certain girl saw it all, smiling at what she just witnessed. A start of a happy, something. The general walked away from where she stood, but not noticeable from the others...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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