Chapter 1

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This is my first attempt at writing any Fanfiction so any comments will be really appreciated. Hope you enjoy and please don't forget to vote!

They say that the course of true love never did run smoothly but I had never really believed that it was true until I met him, until my life was turned completely upside down but I can honestly say that it is 100% true. Nothing worth having ever comes easy and boy do we know it.

 It’s almost surreal how far we have come in the past 2 years, sat here now all of us together, watching Danni playing with her new toys is a situation I could have only dreamt of being in when I first fell for him. It was never going to be easy and we both knew that though we could never have imagined that things would have turned out the way they did, none of us could. It seemed like a good idea at the time, moving in with Marcus. I loved him and I wanted to be with him, or so I thought. One meaningful glance was all it took for me to realise that I was with the wrong guy, the wrong Kirby in fact. It wasn’t Marcus who was my missing puzzle piece but his 17 year old son, my Spanish A-level student: Jonah. It was never meant to end like it did. All the constant rowing and unbearable awkwardness’, it wasn’t easy for any of us especially when the temptation became too much and I once again let my heart rule my head. One stupid mistake and I could have saved a family from being ripped apart and put through such vicious torture, looking back now though I regret nothing. If anything I am glad it happened, we have made friends for life in Sian and Michael, I guess you could say that I owe everything to them, my happiness and my entire life, without them there is no doubt about it; I would still have been in prison or even worse, dead. That’s all behind us now, it feels like a life time ago, so much has changed we’re so happy, all of us, together and in the end I guess that’s all that matters. I would go through it all again in a heartbeat, just to feel the way I feel today; happy and content.

It was 2 weeks in to the summer holidays when it all began. I was happily in love with a man who I thought was certain to be the only one for me. We had been seeing each other a while and things were going well, so well in fact we decided that moving together was a wonderful idea. I thought I had finally made it, I was with someone who loved me for who I was I guess you could say he was the man of my dreams, until I met his son that is. His mother had kicked him out due to his reckless and selfish behaviour, he had nowhere else to go. It put a strain on our relationship which didn’t surprise me, Marcus was a father first and foremost but what did surprise me was the attraction I felt towards him. I was like a love sick puppy, I had no idea what was going on. I had never met this boy before yet there he was stood before me, giving me feelings which I had never experienced before. I had almost managed to convince myself that there was nothing between us, nothing more than the connection we had due to me being his father’s girlfriend. How wrong was I? All it took was the slightest of touches from him to make me realise that these feeling were real and they weren’t about to disappear anytime soon. I had my suspicions that he felt the same way though I never had the courage to confront him about it. This didn’t mean that I didn’t want anything to happen between us because I did, I really did. Jonah would often go out of his way to ensure that we had time on our own though nothing ever happened we both knew that sooner or later it would. I was no longer able to look at Marcus the way I used too, before I realised that he wasn’t the one for me. Instead I often found myself staring longingly at Jonah whenever he was near and when he wasn’t around me my thoughts were dedicated entirely to him. I knew this was wrong but I didn’t know how to stop it and I don’t think I ever really wanted too. I enjoyed the feelings I experienced when he was around and I loved how he could make me feel so special even when there was absolutely nothing going on between us.

Somehow we made it through the summer resisting all temptation. Marcus and I seemed to be doing okay despite me knowing full well that we were slowly drifting further and further apart. He was oblivious to this and as much as I knew that I needed to end things before they got too serious I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I decided that maybe once I had started my new job at Waterloo Road Comprehensive that things will begin to get better and that Jonah won’t be around the house as much when he was doing his A-levels. Much to my dismay this theory didn’t work as I soon discovered that by taking this job opportunity I had unknowingly volunteered myself to spend more and more time with him.

I’ll never forget my first lesson at Waterloo Road; Year 12 Spanish. This pretty much convinced me that Jonah and I were destined to be together however it also confirmed that it was now not only wrong morally but professionally too. The thoughts which raced through my mind in those first few initial seconds of our teacher and pupil relationship were totally inappropriate; no teacher should ever think that way, this couldn’t happening but it seemed as though it already was. His cheeky, seductive smile combined with his deep luscious brown eyes and irresistible good looks were too much for me to resist. I had fallen for this man, this boy and I couldn’t ignore these feelings anymore. I knew the risks but I knew I needed him more than my career and more than that, without him I honestly don’t think my life would have been worth living. Little did I know that this was only the start of a massive amount of trauma and trouble which was soon to become what is now an awful chapter in the story of our forbidden love…

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