Chapter 10

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I was sat in the car waiting for Jonah to come out of school. Lesson 3 went by pretty quickly although I only think that is because I had only just seen him and I knew that in just over an hour I would see him again. Lunch time went by even quicker, time seemed to fly by whenever we were together which was never a good thing, each second we had together was to be treasured but it didn’t feel as though time went by in seconds instead hours at a time. The other 3 lessons of the day dragged, I lost all motivation and I was no longer in a happy and bubbly mood I just wanted today over and done with. I wanted to be able to see Jonah again, to help him move in to his new flat but I knew that we had a lot of thinking to do. What was he going to tell Marcus? He couldn’t just move out without an explanation, we needed to think of one and fast. Maybe he could say that he found it awkward and unbearable living with his Spanish teacher or that he felt like he was putting a strain on our relationship. My thoughts were interrupted by the banging on the window, I almost jumped out of my skin, it was him. After what felt like a lifetime of waiting he was finally here, I unlocked the car from the inside and he jumped in "about time" I began "we’ve got boxes to pack and move" "you mean I’m moving out tonight? What will we tell my dad?" "Yeah J, tonight I don’t think I’d be able to survive another night with both of you under one roof and it isn’t fair on you either. We’ll think of something to tell your dad, make out like you’ve been thinking about it for months and that you’ve been saving up" "I know what you mean Ces, come on, let’s go back to my dad’s and make a start on packing" I put my foot down and headed back home. I couldn’t wait for Jonah to get settled in his, soon to be our, new place.

Once we had packed up the majority of Jonah’s room we headed into town to pick up some essentials for the flat. We ended up trailing around for almost 2 hours, talking about pointless rubbish which when talking to him seemed as though it was the most interesting and important thing in the world. I felt my phone vibrate in my handbag for what must have been the millionth time in the past half hour, I knew exactly who it would be and I really didn’t want to talk to him, I was having too much fun with Jonah and I wasn’t going to let Marcus ruin that. We decided that we’d had done enough shopping for one day and headed off to pick up the keys for the flat. It was a struggle to find the estate agents and even when we did so they were just about ready to close. It took a hell of a lot of persuasion but in the end they gave in and let us have the keys. Jonah’s face was a picture as he held the keys to his very own flat in his hand. We got back into my car and went in search of the new pad. "You really didn’t have to do this Cesca, are you sure you can afford it?" he asked "don’t be silly Jonah, of course I had to do this, it’s the only way we can spend a decent amount of time together and don’t you be worrying about paying for the place, I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I couldn’t afford to do it, you’d have been none the wiser" "I guess you’re right…" "I always am" I interrupted, he couldn’t help but laugh "if you’d let me finish, you always know what to do Ces, I’m so sorry for putting you in this position though, it isn’t fair" "listen, if I didn’t want to do this then I wouldn’t, you know me better than that J. If I had any doubts or concerns about being with you then I would tell you and you already know that but I don’t so let’s just get back to the flat and get you moved in" "I know, thank you so much Cesca, I love you" he instantly bit his lip as soon as the words had left his mouth, I had considered telling him the very same thing many a time but there was never a right time and I didn’t want to scare him off, make out that I’m so desperate and needy but now he had said I felt as though we were for keeps "I’m sorry Ces, it just sort of fell out, just forget I said anything" "Don’t be sorry , I love you too Jonah, more than you will ever know" I could sense that he felt much more relaxed now he knew that the feeling was mutual "really?" he asked "really" I repeated "I thought I had messed everything up then, I’ve been wanting to tell you for ages and then it just sort of slipped out, I didn’t mean to scare you or push things too fast" "you worry way too much Jonah Kirby although I have been thinking pretty much the same thing but I love you and that’s all there is too it. I love you sooooo much I’ve even bought you well us a flat" I joked "speaking of which, isn’t that it?" he said pointing to a block of flats just around the corner from where we were. "It certainly looks that way" I drove the car round and parked right outside the main entrance to the flat block, Jonah threw me the keys and said "you go and open up, I’ll follow behind once I’ve grabbed a few boxes" I didn’t need telling twice, I couldn’t wait to see the place. The place which in time would become mine and Jonah’s first home together, this excited me a lot.

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