Chapter 22

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Today was Friday 6th December; it was 3 months to the day. 3 months since Jonah and I gave ourselves to each other completely "hey, happy 3 month anniversary" he chuckled "oh yeah, happy 3 months my beautiful. I can’t believe all that time has passed already. It has honestly been the best 3 months of my life" his words made my heart melt, I giggled "mine too" I curled into him and he kissed me on top of my head, stroking my hair. "I really don’t want to go to school, I want to stay right here with you" he said, breaking the silence which we had been sat in for almost 10 minutes "I know J, me too. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be and you know it but at least it’s Friday. We’ve got two whole days together after today besides, it isn’t long until Christmas and I promise It’ll be the best two weeks yet, me and you together, no Waterloo Road and no interruptions " "I know Ces, I can’t wait it’ll be fantastic. We’ll be able to go on holiday and do all sorts of other things. We’ll finally get a chance to be like a real couple, get a taste of what life will be like, when you aren’t my teacher anymore. When I’ve left school" "I know it’ll be so good Jonah. I really can’t wait" "you aren’t the only one but for now I think you need to make a start on getting ready. You know how long it takes you!" I got up and began searching through the wardrobe for something to wear which was an everyday dilemma that I always dreaded. "Wear something sexy" Jonah said as he watched me put numerous dresses up against myself "for work? Are you crazy?" "Not for work, for me. I’ve got double Spanish today and I rather fancy having something to look at" I threw the dress which I currently had in my hand to the floor and marched over to him. "Just something to look at am I?" I asked before perching myself on his thigh "I don’t know, I think I may need persuading otherwise" he said cheekily and he pulled me down towards him and I planted a kiss so full of passion upon his lips that it left him gasping for breath. I broke away and said nothing, looking back only once to give him a suggestive and flirtatious wink to which he just giggled before making a move himself. "Maybe you are more than a pretty face after all" said as he passed me "you have a nice arse as well" he sarcastically shouted through from the bathroom. I laughed and shook my head as I began getting ready for the long day ahead of me however recently they have seemed to be going a lot quicker. Maybe this was because I had finally got used to leading a double life. Teacher by day and girlfriend by night, I had often considered leaving the teaching profession to become either a spy or a secret agent. It had become like a second nature to me, to both of us really. It was definitely a new experience and despite the secrecy and excitement which came with it, it was still an experience I had rather not live through but as Jonah had told me many a time, this is the situation we were in and in time, it was what was going to shape us in to the couple which we were destined to be.

Break time came to an end and I hadn’t seen or heard from Jonah since this morning. It was very rare that he missed an opportunity to see me and even if he did so I would usually hear from him beforehand either in person or by text but today was different. Any other day I would have managed to convince myself that something had come up last minute and he hadn’t had chance to let me know, not that he had to run everything by me. I didn’t run his life but it gave me some comfort to know what his plans were and where he was at, how he felt and everything else. But for him to be so different on today of all days made me worry. I know that this morning he was happy enough but he wasn’t quite himself and I should have said something to him. I should have at least tried to cheer him up, it was a special day for both of us, a milestone in our relationship yet it felt as though he couldn’t care any less. I broke away from my thoughts and went to let my class in. "settle down please guys and get your homework out" I instructed as I made my way back to my desk and sat down to take the register as I did so I felt my phone vibrate in my coat pocket. Part of me knew the text would be from Jonah and that I just had to read it but I couldn’t help but think that even if the text is from him then it may not be what I want to hear and there was nothing to say that it was from him, it could have been from anyone. Kim, Rachel or even one of my sisters could have needed to contact me yet I couldn’t draw my thoughts away from Jonah. I continued to take the register, trying my best to distract myself from him but it didn’t work. As I called each name out I was willing to hear Jonah’s voice but obviously I never did. After I had completed the formalities of the lesson I sat at my desk staring into space, thinking of nothing but him. I was in a world of my own however I was soon brought back down to earth with a thud as I saw Kyle Stack charge through the door straight towards Denzil Kelly, I didn’t know what to do. It was as if I was frozen in time, I couldn’t physically bring myself to move "Miss, Miss do you want me to go and fetch Mr Wilding from next door?" Emily James asked as she backed towards the door with Kyle and Denzil ferociously swinging punches at one another. Before I had chance to reply Jonah came bounding through the door and prised the lads apart, my heart was in my mouth. What was he doing here? If anyone was to walk by now they were guaranteed to be suspicious, however my main concern was his well-being. I wanted to speak to him more than anything, find out where he was at break and what he was doing around my classroom during lesson time but I had bigger and more important issues to deal with like the discipline of Kyle and Denzil "Jonah, can I speak with you outside please?" I said sternly as I made my way to the door and he followed me. I let him step out before me and I turned around to my class which had suddenly become rowdy "guys, be quiet and get on with your work. I will be 2 minutes and when I get back I shall deal with you two" I said, staring directly at Kyle and Denzil who both shook their heads and laughed. I closed the door behind me and stood facing Jonah, looking him directly in the eye. "Hey babe" he said and he leant in close to me, I pushed him away. I had to; there was no way I was going to risk getting caught no matter how much I wanted him to hold me, our long term needs were much more important and I was rather angry at him for leaving me at break. This shouldn’t have affected me the way it did, I didn’t need to be with him every minute of every day though it often felt as though I did, and it was almost like he was the only thing keeping me sane. "What’s wrong Cesca?" "Keep your voice down Jonah. You know you can’t be calling me by first name in school, you’ll make people suspicious" "I know, I’m sorry but I’m worried about you" "well don’t, there’s nothing wrong I’m just a bit shaken up. I have just witnessed a full on fist fight first hand" I joked "it’s a good job I came to your rescue then" "certainly is now come on you’ve got a lesson to go to and so have I. I’ll see you at lunch, if you can find the time for me that is" I went back into my classroom without saying another word and looking back only once to see him looking rather smug, he was up to something and I had to find out exactly what it was. But right now I had a class to teach and to disruptive boys to deal with. I walked into what seemed like a war zone, there were paper aeroplanes flying everywhere and I could hardly hear myself think. I staged a loud fake cough to make my presence known however me efforts weren’t acknowledged "sit down, now" I shouted top note and they all instantly sat down and focused all their attention solely on me. Before I was able to continue the lesson I had to deal with what happened earlier. "Kyle, Denzil. Follow me" I lead them to Rachel’s office and after I had explained the situation to her I left them there, in her capable hands and made my way back to my class as quick as I could, I had already left them for the best part of the lesson so far and I was reluctant to waste any more valuable time.

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