Chapter 13

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I arrived home to a rather panicked Jonah “oh my god Cesca, were the hell have you been? You’ve been gone hours. I thought he’d done something to you” he shouted as soon as I walked through the door. I admit he startled me though I knew that he meant well but it didn’t make me feel any better, I could feel my eyes tearing up yet again. I didn’t respond to him instead I kicked off my heels, which had been killing my feet all day, and ran towards him throwing my arms around him. His scent was so soothing, I clung to him for dear life, he was my rock and I’d be lost without him. He ran his fingers through my hair and whispered into my ear “hey baby, it’s alright I’m here now and I’m never going to let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise” hearing his loving words made me cry all the more, he spoke them with such meaning and I was hanging off his every word. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat before breaking myself away from him. I looked up into his eyes which I always seemed to get lost in “I know you are J and I hope you know that I’m here for you too. Let’s go and sit down, it’s been a long day” he swept me off my feet and carried me to the settee; I couldn’t help but giggle though it was the last thing I felt like doing. He had a habit of cheering me up and making me smile even when I didn’t want to. “I wasn’t expecting that” “full of surprises I am”” he said as he leant over the back of the settee and picked up a box which he handed to me “what’s this?” I asked “well if you open it, you’ll find out” I did just as he said; I undid the purple ribbon that was tied in a perfect bow so that I could open the box. “Jonah, it’s lovely. You really didn’t have to do this, thank you so much” inside the box was a silver necklace with a heart pendant which opened up to reveal two spaces for pictures though we didn’t yet have any pictures of the two of us so he had wrote both our initials on separate pieces of paper and put them in each slot. “You’re welcome Ces, you deserve it. We’ve already been through so much and both know that it isn’t going to get much easier anytime soon. Besides, this way you’ll always have a part of me with you, whenever you’re feeling low and down just look at the necklace and it’ll be a reminder of how much I love you and how strong we are, how strong you are and what good things we have to come, a bright, happy future and lovely family. Our perfect little life. And it was totally worth it just to see that gorgeous smile back on your face. You’re so pretty when you smile Cesca” I could feel my eyes beginning to well up again though this time the tears were full of joy and happiness instead of sorrow and misery “I can’t thank you enough J, I love it and I love you. This is going to be so worth it babe, I know it is. What we have together is special J and I’m not going to let it go without a fight, I’ll never let you go” he wrapped his arm around me and we both lay down and curled into each other. We fitted together perfectly like we were made for each other, like we were each other’s missing puzzle piece. After laying in each other’s embrace for around an hour I finally made the first move “Come on mister, jump up I don’t know about you but I’m quite hungry. What you fancying?” “Erm, you.” He said and before I could move myself away or stop him he jumped up and grabbed my hand; he pulled me through to the bedroom where he threw himself on the bed, pulling me down after him. I knew exactly what he was planning and as much as I really did need something to eat I couldn’t resist him. After all another half an hour of hunger is nothing really especially where Jonah was concerned. In fact I think I could live off him entirely, he was my world and he meant everything to me. We were for keeps, we both knew it.

Author's Note: Sorry it's a short chapter but I'm back at school now and the work load is getting heavy all ready! Booo! I'll keep trying to update everyday however it may end up being alternative days as GCSE's are fast approaching! Thanks for reading guys, please don't forget to vote, comment and follow :) Thankies, Megan x

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