Chapter 26

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Before we knew it we were back at home feeling slightly disheartened at the fact that tomorrow was Monday and we had to go back to school. We had to go back to being nothing more than teacher and pupil which never gets any easier. You’d have thought that after all this time that we would get used to as good as ignoring each other all day but the truth is we didn’t. Each day was as tough as the first. We were cuddled up on the settee watching TV; it was the perfect end to the perfect weekend. Jonah had spoilt me so much these past few days, I had no idea how he could manage to get everything right. I felt him try and slip out from behind me so I sat up and turned around to look at him. “Where are you going?” I asked to which he raised his eyebrows and laughed “to the toilet, do you want to join me?” he said sarcastically “I’ll give that a miss thanks. You could run the bath for me though if you like” “I shall do so my lady but only if I can join you” I shook my head and followed him as he made his way to the bathroom “will I ever get any privacy with you around Kirby?” “I wouldn’t think so” he had followed me into the bedroom and was now stood watching me unpack our bag from the hotel “go on then” I said and without further instruction he went into the bathroom and made a start on running the bath. Meanwhile I sat myself down on the bed with Jonah’s shirt in my hand. I just sat and thought, thought about how lucky I really am. Jonah treats me so well and he clearly loves me. He loves me in a way no one has ever done before and seeing Jez again made me realise this even more. I could feel my eyes welling up so I went to find Jonah because I knew that he’d cheer me up and make me smile. He always did. I lurked in the doorway for a good few minutes just watching him fully focused on the running water. He was clearly deep in thought and he kept smiling to himself which just made me giggle. I walked up behind him and slipped my arms around his waist, making him jump. “Make a habit out of scaring the living daylights out of people do you” I laughed and perched myself on his lap, snuggling in to his chest. I felt like a helpless child but I just wanted to be close to him. He ran his hand through my hair whilst we waited for the bath to fill up “what’s wrong with you?” he asked “nothing, I just love you, that’s all” “aw babe, I love you too” he kissed me on my cheek then I stood up to turn the bath off. I began getting undressed and Jonah remained sat on top of the toilet watching me. “Are you just gonna stand there?” he shook his head and came over to me “well seen as you asked” I pulled away from him as he attempted to help me get undressed. I rolled my eyes “oh so you aren’t joining me then?” “Are you serious? Have you seen the size of that thing Ces, there’s no way that we’re both going to fit in there” he began to laugh “they do it in movies all the time” “yeah babe, in the movies not in the smallest flat in the whole of Rochdale!” “Fair point” I added before getting in the bath, alone. Jonah perched himself on the side and we continued to chat before heading to bed in hope of a decent night’s sleep. After all we did have school in the morning!

I’m not sure whether or not I slept at all last night. I feel as though I’ve been awake, perhaps I have. I’m not sure. I looked to the clock on Jonah’s bedside table and it read 4am, I didn’t need to be up for hours yet but I knew that there was no way that I would be able to drop off now and even if I did I would have to risk over sleeping and being late for work which wasn’t a great idea. It was too early to wake Jonah and I knew that if I stayed in bed much longer I would disturb him so I decided to make the most of my time and catch up on some TV which I could never watch with Jonah around.  I crept out of our bedroom so that I didn’t cause him to stir and went into the kitchen to put the kettle on. I was in desperate need of coffee. I couldn’t function without at least one cup on the best of days let alone today. I could already tell that today was going to be one hell of a day and it hadn’t even began properly yet. I was woken, what felt like a life time later, by a smash coming from the kitchen, I instantly shot up and I felt myself begin to shake. All I could think of was the time when Marcus’ house got broken into all those months ago, I knew that Jonah was only in the next room and that I was safe with him but once you’ve experienced something like that you never really get over it. I sat in silence, as if I was frozen to the settee only for the silence to be broken by Jonah cursing in the kitchen. I sighed a massive sigh of relief and went into the kitchen to see exactly what he was up to.  “Morning babe” he said as I walked up behind him and slipped my arms around his waist. He turned around and our lips met for the very first time of the day. He was the first to break away, I wanted to stay in that embrace all day, I was so loved up and happy that I couldn’t bear to even think about doing anything else than being with him. Which I found slightly strange as our relationship wasn’t exactly ‘new’ anymore and usually by now the novelty of a new partner had worn off. Things would start to get a little boring, we would already know what made each other tick, what annoyed each other and there would be very little left to learn but with Jonah there is always something to discover. He was so much more interesting and complicated than any of the other guys I had been with. Our situation was so much more complicated but for some reason this just made me love him more. I knew that I loved him, I had never been surer of anything. At first I wasn’t sure whether it was love or just simply lust. Whether I was just drawn to the danger element of him or whether I was flattered than someone like him was giving me the time of day but now I know, he is the only one for me. Before I knew it the clock was nearing half past 6, I had been sat at the kitchen table staring into space, my thoughts dedicated entirely to him for the past 45 minutes. I needed to make a start on getting ready as we needed to leave in just over an hour and there was no way that I would have any time to spare, it always took my twice as long to get ready on a Monday!

Rachel called a last minute staff briefing which meant that this morning my time with Jonah was cut short. Part of me wanted to forget all about the meeting and forget that I had a job and responsibilities. I just wanted to pack a bag and run off into the sun set with Jonah but the better, more sensible part of me knew that even if we did run away we’d be caught before we even had chance  to flee the country and more to the point, soon enough we would be able to be together, properly. I had to go to this meeting and as much as neither of us wanted to we both said our goodbyes. Instead of being in my classroom we were hidden in the store cupboard. With everyone being in school early I didn’t dare risk being seen with Jonah at such an early hour, it was bound to seem suspicious. However, the storeroom did have its perks; Jonah placed his hands on my bum as our lips locked. He threw me against the shelves and I perched myself on top of one before wrapping my legs around his waist. I could feel the tension building and all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off him, right there and then.  Obviously this wasn’t an option so I drew back from him and attempted to make myself look professional and presentable which wasn’t easy to whilst he was still trying to plant kisses all down my neck. “I have to go J” I whispered, cautious of where we were “surely 5 more minutes won’t hurt” he whispered softly in to my ear whilst he moved my hair from my face. I couldn’t help but giggle “as much as I want to, I really have to go” I kissed him one final time before placing my hand on the door handle, turning my head only once to mouth the words ‘I love you’ which he shadowed and I headed for the staff room.  I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got there. As far as I were aware everything was going well for Waterloo Road, we had passed our most recent inspection and no one in the staff room seemed uncomfortable other than Chris  so surely no one would be leaving. Unless Chris had finally realised that he has been completely irrational and unprofessional so has decided to leave off his own back though if this is the case then to me he has ceased the opportunity and decided to jump before he was pushed. I doubted this very much, he was the deputy head and there was no way that he was going to let someone as low level as I am force him out of a job he loved, in a place he loved. My curiosities were soon to be silenced as I walked through the staff room door.

Author's note: So I've managed to update for the first time in nearly a week! I'm so sorry I've been so inactive but I've had so much on I've hardly had a spare minute. Hope you're all okay lovelies and that you're enjoying the story. I think I'm gonna start updating once a week, this way I'll know where I'm at with updates and so will you guys! Please keeping reading, voting, following and commenting. Thankies guys, Megan x

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