Chapter 24

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I stood nervously behind Jonah as he checked us in, I couldn’t help but worry. I was certain that the woman behind the desk would suspect something. There was nothing to suggest that our being here was wrong but I wasn’t convinced. She looked us both up and down numerous times and I instantly became a wreck, the palms of my hands began to get sweaty and my heart started to race but she didn’t say anything other than "this is your key Mr Kirby, room 212 on the second floor. I hope you and your girlfriend enjoy your stay here" we both thanked her and made our way to our room, hand in hand. As we got out of the lift I snatched the card out of Jonah’s hand and headed in the direction of our room. I walked down the corridor, my eyes glancing down each side in search of room 212 but I couldn’t find it. Jonah caught up with me and spun me around "I think you’ll find, it’s this way" he said and he took my hand once again, pulling me to the opposite end of the corridor. We stood outside our room, neither of us saying anything Jonah attempted to open the door yet again but this time I let go of his hand and let him do so. He opened the door and let me go in first and he followed behind with one bag in each hand. I stood in awe at what I saw before me, I had never seen anything quite like this before. It was magical, the king size bed in the centre of the room caught the bulk of my attention; it looked so homely and romantic. There were a few rose petals scattered on top of the quilt which made it even more romantic and special. Special was exactly what this weekend was going to be, it was almost like our first holiday together. It was only a weekend in Preston fair enough but none the less it was still time alone for me and Jonah in a place where we can act like a normal couple, where we don’t have to hide our feelings for one and other, where we are free to be ourselves. Jonah put our bags down on the floor before heading over to the dressing table and taking the bottle of champagne out of the iced bucket, pouring us both a glass. As he handed it to me I said "thank you so much J, this is perfect" he laughed "only the best for my lady!" I put my glass back onto the dressing table and I took Jonah’s from his hand, placing it next to mine. I pushed myself up against him, planting little frantic kisses all over his lips and neck to which he didn’t respond. He pushed me away, placed his hands on my shoulders and looked directly into my eyes, I began to worry. I didn’t know what I expect "Jonah, are you…" I began however he interrupted me "if we’re going to get all heated then we might as well do it properly" he winked at me before taking my hand and pulling me on to the bed. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing, he wasn’t the most romantic of people but I loved him all the same. I flopped onto the bed and let him take control of me entirely; doing exactly what he told me. Jonah had gone to so much effort to ensure that this would be a weekend to remember and I intended to make it just that.

We laid content in each other’s embrace whispering sweet nothings for the best part of an hour. Jonah repeatedly ran his fingers through my hair which sent shivers down my spine, I was speechless. I had no idea what to say, I wasn’t expecting this, if anything I had almost managed to convince myself that he no longer wanted to be with me, I couldn’t have been more wrong. I turned my head slightly so that my eyes locked with his and said "this is so perfect J" "only the best for my girl" "thank you so much. I wasn’t sure what to expect when you didn’t come and find me at break, I was scared that you were going to leave me but now I’m so happy in fact, I don’t think I could be any happier" he smiled "oh Cesca, me and you we’re for keeps, I would never leave you though I did feel really bad just leaving you without an explanation on today of all days but I wanted this to be a surprise" "well it was definitely that" I joked and I tried to plant a kiss on to his pink plump lips but he wriggled free from my grasp and turned over to pick up his school trousers which were just thrown down the side of the bed. He fished around in both of the pockets in an attempt to find his wallet which he rummaged through until he found what he was looking for. He took out two pieces of paper and rolled back over towards me. "What’s that?" I asked "you’ll see" he replied as he leant over me and pull the cover down a little so that my necklace was visible, he opened it up to reveal the pieces of paper which read J and C, he took them out and replaced them with 2 pictures of us both together "there you go, now you’ve got something in there that actually means something but don’t go showing Kim and all the others in the staffroom" he joked, my eyes began tearing up and I had no idea why, he was so thoughtful and mature but he could be a total geek sometimes. I was so overwhelmed by everything which he had done for me today and I knew that things would always be this way. While ever I was with Jonah I was always going to be getting cute little gifts and loads of surprises out of the blue, that was just him and I loved him so much for it. "Thanks J, I love it, I really love it and I love you even more" I fastened my necklace together again and attempted to snuggle back into his chest however I don’t think he had the same idea "I don’t think so Lady, we’ve got plenty of time for that later on but now you need to make a start on getting ready, we’re going out for dinner" I said nothing, instead I shook my head and rolled my eyes which made him laugh "we’ll be late if you don’t get a move on" "I’m going now Mr impatient" I said sarcastically before getting out of bed, stealing the top sheet and wrapping it around myself as I made my way to the shower. "It’s a little cold over here now" he shouted jokingly. I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom giggling to myself whilst I waited for the shower to heat up. I noticed that I was beginning to get a bit of a belly on me, I knew that I had let my fitness regime slip since being with Jonah but it wasn’t until now that I realised how much weight I had put on which was surprising as we hardly found the time to each much, as a new couple we wanted to spend as much time together as possible.

Author's note: So sorry for not posting these past few days! I've had so much on and so many deadlines to me but we only had a half day today due to the snow so here's another chapter. Hope you enjoy! Again, any comments will be very much appreicated. Please remember to vote, follow and share! Thankies guys, Megan x 

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