Chapter 27

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I couldn’t believe it. He had actually done it. I felt as though I had won. I was right; Chris had resigned after school on Friday and with immediate effect. When Rachel announced it I wasn’t sure if I had heard her right. “I am sorry to have to let you all know that Chris Mead will no longer be a part of Waterloo Road. He resigned on Friday with immediate effect due to personal issues” the expression on everyone’s face was the same. I don’t think anyone could believe it, I knew as soon as she said that he left due to personal issues that it was down to me. He obviously couldn’t work with me anymore which I found utterly ridiculous. He has left his job because of some misguided loyalty to Marcus. If only he knew what he was really like. The room slowly began to fill with whispers, questioning why he had to leave. Famous one liners such as ‘he was an asset to this place’ and ‘bloody hell I didn’t see that one coming’ were flying round the place. I didn’t know what to say nor do, I suddenly felt extremely guilty. I saw Kim coming over to me so I took my phone out of my pocket and started to text Jonah, I hoped that when she saw me on the phone she would leave me alone and go and speak to someone else. She did just that but it still wasn’t enough, I saw stood on my own but I needed to get out of there, I couldn’t just leave that would look odd and incredibly rude. I decided that I would get Jonah to come and help me out, I erased the text which I had originally intended to send which was informing him about Chris’ shock resignation and instead I put ‘come to the staff room and ask to speak to me about coursework, I need to get out of here. Love you xxx’. What seemed like seconds after I had pressed send I heard a knock on the door, I attempted to get it but Grantly beat me to it. I wasn’t sure what Jonah had said to him but it must have been a convincing enough lie as Grantly sarcastically shouted from the door “Miss Montoya, a student requires your assistance” I didn’t need telling twice, I went over to the door and smiled as soon as my eyes locked with his. I didn’t say a word I just began walking back to my classroom and Jonah followed. I had every intention of going in my classroom and making a start on setting up for my lessons this morning but just as I was about to walk through the door I had a sudden change of heart. I looked around the empty corridor, making sure that no one was around to see just exactly what I was about to do. The coast was clear so I slipped my hand into Jonah’s and pulled him back into the store cupboard which was just as well because as soon as that door was shut and locked I couldn’t do anything but let the tears fall. I slid my back down the filing cabinet and sat on the floor, in floods of tears. Jonah copied my exact movements and took my in his arms. I rested my head on his chest, I felt so safe and content. Like no one could hurt me or make me feel anything other than I do right now but I knew this wasn’t true. In no more than 15 minutes I would have to leave this embrace and prepare myself for another long hard day. “What’s happened Ces?” he finally asked, breaking the silence “it’s Chris he’s” “what has he done now, I swear to you Ces I’ll bloody well kill him” I sniffed “ no J he hasn’t done anything well he’s resigned but that’s as far as it goes” “he’s resigned?” “Yeah, with immediate effect” “well that’s great, isn’t it? We’re safe now, he was the only one who had any suspicions and if he’s gone then…then we’re okay” “I guess you’re right but I can’t help but feel like this is my entire fault. I pushed him too far” “Ces, this isn’t your fault, you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong darling. This is one of the best things that could ever have happened to us, can’t you see that?” I wiped the tears from my eyes, careful not to mess up my mascara and smiled faintly, but it was still a smile all the same “yeah, yeah I can. Thanks J” “What for?” I laughed, he was completely oblivious to what he had just done, he had saved me from another potential relapse and who knows how far it would have gone. “For everything, for being there and cheering me up, you mean everything to me Jonah Kirby, don’t ever forget that. I love you” I didn’t give him chance to reply, I looked up and our lips met once again though this time we had no option but to break away almost instantly, I could hear the corridors beginning to get louder and louder as more and more students were making their way to their form rooms. I stood up and headed for the door just as I had done earlier this morning. “Do I look okay? You can’t tell I’ve been crying can you?” I asked, “you look more than okay, sexy may be the right word and no babe you look a million dollars now go and get yourself ready for your lessons I hear you have year 12 this morning so I may just have to pop in and see you” he joked, I shook my head and raised my eyebrows “behave mister! I’ll see you soon and I’ll text you when it’s safe to emerge” we both laughed and I left the cupboard and went back into my classroom where Rachel was waiting for me, she knew didn’t she. She knew exactly what had been going on and now I was for it. “Where have you been Cesca?” she asked, my heart sank…

Author's note: So I've finally updated! It's only taken 12 days! I've had such a lot on recently. So much school work and my deputy headteacher died very suddenly on thursday so my heads a shed at the minute. So I'm sorry for the wait and for the poor quality of the chapter. Hope you're still enjoying my story and I have some awesome ideas (even if i do say so myself!) coming up. Please keep reading and don't forget to vote, follow and comment. Thankies again guys, Megan xo

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