Chapter 21

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From there on in things began to feel normal, well as normal as they could do under the circumstances. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. And with every day that passed we became that much closer to being together forever that alone reassured me that we could do this. We got to know each other even better and we both realised that we were so much more than your average couple and that we deserved to be together, we weren’t hurting anyone. But this was beside the point, we knew that one day we would be separated, we didn’t expect to be let off from this but we knew we’d come through the other side of it fighting. Each working day was pretty much the same; we would wake up around 6am to ensure that we would be ready to leave together at around 7:45am. This way we could spend as much time together as we possible, we were usually the first ones in other than Rachel obviously but she never really ventured down as far as my classroom which meant that Jonah was safe to hang around for half an hour before heading off to meet up with his friends. I would get a visit from Lauren most mornings and she seemed to be getting better. I kept checking on her arm and it looked as though she hadn’t cut for a long while. Not on her arms anyway. She spoke to me every day and she was very open which could only mean that she was making progress. Though things between her parents didn’t seem to be getting any better she still remained as strong as ever. Jonah and I would try and see each other as often as we could, at breaks and lunchtimes where possible though it wasn’t always the case. I had started to run conversation classes for the A-level students which only he bothered to attend, not that I was fussed mind. It meant we had 3 lunch times a week together, no questions asked. Every so often the temptation would become too much and we would forget ourselves which nearly resulted in us getting found out but it still didn’t stop us. We would have to make our own ways home though sometimes I would run the risk of picking him up a few streets away from school and when we got home we would share the responsibility of housekeeping. I would have a quick tidy up whilst I left Jonah to cook tea as I was a pretty naff cook. The weekends were also often the same, we would lounge around the flat all morning and when we finally found the energy to get ourselves ready we would find things for us to do in places where we wouldn’t be recognised. We would go to places where no one knew us and were unable to judge us and do all the things every ‘normal’ couple do like going to the cinema and going out for dinner. I lived for the weekends as they made me realise exactly what we were fighting for and how happy he made me. I could show my affection towards him in public which many other couples take for granted. I could hold his hand in the street and kiss him whenever I felt like. Everything seemed so perfect and I thought we had finally mastered the art of keeping everything under wraps, though this was far from the truth as we soon began to realise.

Authors note: Sorry this is such a short chapter (again!). I've got an idea for the next chapter but I haven't finished writing it yet so I figured that I should update anyway even if it is just short and sweet. Thanks for reading and please follow and vote. Megan x

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