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JOHN CONSTANTINE was extremely hard to figure out. He was kind of an asshole, but at rare times he could be strangely sympathetic. Olivia wondered if he played the role of an arrogant heartless bastard as a defense mechanism-as a safety net. It was like he rather people hate him than care about him. It was as if he thought that knowing him, allowing him to be apart of your life was a burden. It was like he saw himself as a burden.

It would explain a lot. It would explain why he was afraid to trust Zed, even though he knew she was telling the truth about her powers. He witnessed what she could do firsthand, yet he abandoned her back in their hotel room and resorted to climbing out of a bathroom window than have a little faith in her. Now he decided it was a good idea to break into the psychic's home and crash on her couch.

Olivia rolled her eyes at her father's slumped figure. He looked peaceful and for once like he wasn't stressed out. The wonders of sleep. The nightly escape from the hell that is life. She had spent the last hour studying Zed's drawings that were scattered across every inch of her studio apartment. It was like a hurricane had hit her home, and she wondered how the hell she got around this place. Although, she had to admit it was a bit creepy that every drawing was of her father. All except one.

One that she couldn't seem to put down. It was of a girl huddled up in a dark corner. Shadows swallowed her whole while it simultaneously looked like she had a slight glow to her. She looked terrified yet like she was longing to succumb to the darkness. It was haunting. But again, she couldn't seem to put it down. It was like she was drawn to it. She really wanted to know what had gotten Zed to draw this. What is it a vision? What is it meaningless and just simply an idea she was toying with at the time?

The jingling of keys as it fumbled in someone's hand. The twist of the door lock made Olivia snap her head up from the picture. Zed walked into her apartment with a look of defeat on her face. She paused instantly when her eyes made contact with Olivia's. She gave the psychic a timid smile. Zed's eyes softened but then she took one look at John's sleeping figure and they hardened once more.

John stirred awake almost as if he could have sense her anger. He rubbed his eyes. "Hello, luv. Is it morning already?"

She glanced down at him. "You leave when I want you, and you're here when I don't. I'll make it easy for you." Her tone was monotoned before it shifted into rage. "Get out! Get up!" She lunged at him yanking him into sitting position. It was very amusing from Olivia's perspective.

"Oh, don't be that way, luv."

"I don't want you!"

"I had to verify that which you provided. A strict security protocol is, in fact, required in my business." He explained.

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