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"IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU." Oliver Queen told John as they headed into the Green Arrow's superhero lair. Olivia was thrown when she found out that her father knew Oliver Queen. But not as surprised as she was when she learned that he was the Green Arrow.

"Likewise." He replied as he shook Oliver's hand. His grip was firm. Olivia watched the two still slightly baffled as to how they know each other. She's definitely gonna grill her father with questions once they save this woman who needs their urgent attention.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" The blonde woman asked. She had long flowing hair, and she wore a black almost catsuit like attire; Very similar to the one her sister is wearing as they gathered around her unconscious form. "Ollie claims you're the best chance at fixing Sara."

John huffed. The sense of doubt in her tone-at his abilities-bruised his ego. He didn't give Laurel Lance a direct answer, and instead resorted to handing over his business card.

Laurel took the card hesitantly with a perplexed look. Her eyes scanned the card. "John Constantine. Exorcist, Demonologist, and Master of the Dark Arts." She read aloud then peered up at him like he was crazy. Olivia thought she wasn't wrong. John could be pretty unhinged at times.

She gave the card back to him before crossing her arms over her chest. "So what, you're going to perform some kind of exorcism on my sister?" She questioned skeptically.

John chuckled. "No, an exorcism is a removal of demonic possession. What your sister needs is a restitution."

"Restit-what? What is that?" Felicity Smoak asked. Her head cocked to the side. Her black glasses perched on her nose. Her blonde locks pulled into a loose ponytail. She was dressed in a hot pink long sleeved button up with dark blue jeans and black pumps.

Olivia smirked. She thought Felicity was kind of awkward but in an adorable way. "A restitution is a restoration of Sara's soul to her body." She explained to them.

John grinned proudly turning to Olivia. "I'm so proud of you." He told her and she smiled shyly. She had been excelling in her lessons making him beyond happy that he was able to do something right by her. But mostly he was happy that he got to share his passion with her.

Thea Queen cleared her throat. She seemed far more shaken up than the others. It didn't take a genius to see the hint of guilt behind her chocolate brown eyes. "And you've done this before?"

John stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Ah, once. Just last month actually." He gave them all a smug smirk. "But don't worry, it's just like riding a bike."

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