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OLIVIA'S KNEES bounced anxiously. Her eyes would often jump back and forth between the metal staircase of the Mill House and the clock on the wall. She had been out of town for two weeks for her mother's funeral, which had been extremely hard for her. She stood broken in her mother's favorite garden where she wished for her ashes to be buried (which the owners thankfully allowed it since Caroline would donate money from time to time to help them keep the gates of their garden open). John was very sweet and patient with her before she had left. He even offered to go with her so she wouldn't be alone.

It was a gesture she appreciated more than she could ever put into words. Unfortunately, she had to decline his offer even though she wanted to accept. She knew his attendance would cause some unnecessary and unwanted problems. Problems that might've stimulated from her grandparents. See, Olivia's grandparents hate John. They hate him for getting their sixteen year old daughter pregnant. They put majority of the blame on him regardless of the fact that the consequences of the situation weighed on both him and Caroline.

They also hated him for leaving them, leaving Caroline to raise Olivia on her own. However, Olivia thought they were complete hypocrites. They two left Caroline after some time. They couldn't support that she was a teen mom. They were upset when she refused to get rid of Olivia and chose to actually go through with the pregnancy. Eventually, they cut ties with her and refused to know their own granddaughter, which made the funeral extremely awkward.

But what currently made her so anxious was the way John had been acting when she came home yesterday. He was oddly colder than usual. After her terrible experience at the funeral, she went to John for another magic lesson to which he went along with at first. During their lesson however, he was angry, a lot harder on her, and eventually gave up all together. He left to a bar last night and never came back. She planned on confronting him about last night whenever he decided to show.

Olivia peered up at the stairs when she heard heavy footsteps descending. John appeared on the last step shortly after with a bag of takeout boxes from the nearest diner. He took one glimpse at his daughter-he paused his movements-and rolled his eyes at the look of annoyance on her face. He knew she was gonna chew him out for something.

"Well, look who's finally home." She told him with a mock cheerfully tone. Her smile was anything but happy.

John placed the bag on the table and began moving his breakfast from the boxes to a clean plate (which Olivia thought was stupid). "Sorry, Mum. Please don't put me on time out, I promise I won't do it again." He responded sarcastically.

"What happened yesterday?" She demanded as she rose from the couch. John remained silent. He pretended to be occupied with pouring himself a glass of orange juice. "You were being completely impossible last night during my lesson."

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