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"THIS IS NEW." Olivia said slowly as John, her, and Chas got out of the cab. John stared at the nunnery with a look of exasperation. It was as if he'd rather be anywhere else but here. Olivia never understood how a man like him, who fights demons on the regular, came across angels of both light and darkness, still rather be buried six feet under than admit he believes in a higher power. He's still ever so cynical.

"Did you know we were coming to a convent?" Chas asked John questioningly.

John huffed. "It's one of the gory details she left out."

The trio took one step only to be halted by one of the many officers lingering outside the nunnery. He began what she could only think was him scolding them. She couldn't really make out what he said exactly when he spoke to them in Spanish. It was moments like these were she regretted not taking Spanish instead of French as her language elective in school. The three of them stared at the man like he grew a second head before the very eyes. None of them knew what to say.

Chas leaned toward John. "You should have brought Zed."

"Don't you bloody start on me." John countered with a finger jabbed in his direction.

Olivia smirked. "Yeah, why didn't you bring Zed? Afraid it'd be awkward? You know with whole crush meeting the first love scenario." She crossed her arms as her eyes glistened with mischief. "Should I start calling Zed mommy?"

John scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about." He replied cooly with a smug smirk.

Olivia leaned back with a small frown on her lips. She was only teasing. She didn't expect for him to become defensive all of the sudden. "I was just kidding-" her eyes widened momentarily. "Wait, do you have a thing for Zed?"

John sighed heavily then turned to the group of nuns that huddled together beside them. Olivia was aware that he purposely ignored her question, which didn't help convince her otherwise. "Uh, excuse me, luv? You don't happen to know a British girl by the name of Anne Marie Flynn, do you? Fairly pretty, brunette. She's kind of got this-"

The nun spun around revealing herself to be Anne Marie. John stared at her awestruck whereas she didn't seem all that pleased with seeing him. "Annie?" He breathed.

Annie Marie simply ignored Constantine's greeting and went straight to Chas. The two shared a quick but heartfelt embrace. "It's great to see you." Said Chas.

"John didn't need to drag you into this." Anne Marie muttered apologetically, although there was a slight sense of resentment in her tone aimed at a particular warlock. Her brown eyes then landed on the shorter blonde that stood beside her first love. "I remember you from last night. Olivia was it?"

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