Sunny with a Chance of...Sunny?

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A/N: Please keep in mind that the events of when the Dragonets of Destiny meet Wren happen approximately in 5012 A.S, so Wren is fifteen. It is summer break after the first year of Jade Mountain Academy has passed.

When Wren had first met Sky and started learning dragon, she had always imagined that she would one day become the great diplomat between the two races, creating peace and uniting both species alike.

She had never imagined she would be stuck as a stupid translator.

But somehow, that's what she was...for now.

After their show at Valor where they exposed the infamous, fearless, strong, respected, Dragonslayer, they had moved on to Talisman to terrorize her long-time trio of least favorite people on the whole planet.

A few questions may pop up in one's head after hearing this. For example, "what is there to expose about someone who exhibits all these amazing traits?" And "who is a part of the trio of Wren's least favorite people?"

Well, to answer those questions, it turns out the so-called Dragonslayer turned out to not be a dragonslayer at all. He was a fraud, a liar, a cheat, and Wren didn't particularly stand for those types of people. His older brother, Stone, was the one who had actually slain Queen Oasis, albeit unintentionally. The only thing the infamous Dragonslayer, or Heath, ever slayed was his chances of being respected for the rest of his life.

Yeah, Wren had some very strong opinions about him.

But she had even stronger opinions on these next three humans. Dragonmancers Gorge, Trout, and Crow. These three disgusting humans had sent her to be eaten by dragons when she was just seven years old because she read some of their super-secret secrets in their stupid, secret books when she too young to even understand them. Although this was the actual reason they "sacrificed" her, they claimed they saw a vision sent the dragons during their mancing of dragons (Which makes no sense. Stupid name, stupid people) to sacrifice Wren to the dragons. She knew that she should almost be grateful that they did this, as otherwise, she never would've met Sky, but she still did not appreciate their intentions one bit. So, in return, she exposed them for being the treasure smugglers they are, and unveiled that they had sent the villagers that were recruited as Dragonmancer Apprentices to the Sky Dragon Palace to steal treasure for them, where all of them were presumably eaten or met their end through fiery demise. She told the villagers that they weren't magical visionaries, but rather dictators that leeched off of the villagers' hard work.

The people of Talisman did not appreciate this very much.

She didn't know what the villagers did to the Dragonmancers, but to be frank, she didn't really care. Not about her mom, not her dad, not the other villagers...Well, maybe she cared for her siblings and the kids there a little bit.

After their peaceful encounter with those evil people, she, her brother, Leaf, Sky, and Ivy, who Leaf has a massive crush on, left to find a little golden dragon that Ivy and her brother had met. Ivy had seen the dragon in her dream with Rose,  one of Wren's only human friends, through some magic shenanigans. The little dragon had then found them and asked them for the treasure stolen from the sand dragon treasury by the Dragonslayer, but when they brought it to her,  she didn't find what she was looking for. They decided to, more clearly, Ivy and Leaf had decided to look for this dragon, and Wren had tagged along because one, she didn't have anything better to do, and two, it sounded pretty interesting. After days of searching and after Sky had asked almost every dragon in Pyrrhia (exaggeration, of course), they finally got a tip that this dragon, who's name they found out is Sunny, was currently at the SandWing palace.

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