Sleep Tight, Snow White

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Wren was in a situation.

Whether the dragon found her or she found the dragon depended on who one would ask, but the end result was still the same.

She had ended up in a village. From where she stood, she could see humble houses, common areas, and small buildings.

There was just two issues.

One, walls were surrounding the small town, meaning she couldn't just freely saunter out.

Two, it was a HUMAN village.

A few of the people there had tried to talk to her and tell scary stories of how they were captured by some bluish-white, or even in some cases, invisible, dragon. They spoke in over-dramatic voices, and some even cried for added effect.

She thought it was all ridiculous.

I have to get out of here. These people would toss me away without a second thought or hand me over to dragons in a heartbeat.

...Wait, maybe that's not such a bad idea.

She knew she could handle dragons and give them a little surprise that JUST MIGHT scare them off, but she DEFINITELY couldn't deal with people.

Three moons, I hate humans. They're so...complicated. She thought for a second, then added, And stupid.

So how'd she end up in the village?

Well, it all started when Wren decided to take a midnight stroll. She and Sky were camped outside the dragon city called Sanctuary, where they had followed Riptide to the day before. They had elected to stay on the outskirts of the city and scout it out for a bit before venturing in.

More specifically, Sky choose to stay outside the city, seeing as the last time he went into a mysterious dragon city without checking it out first...didn't go as planned, and she had reluctantly complied.

But Wren wasn't known for following the rules. It was quite the opposite, actually.

So she crept into the city when Sky was fast asleep, wanting to explore. She found a bunch of cool buildings and fascinating structures that she had never seen before and pondered what they were used for.

But that's where the good news ended.

She had been in a dark alley, sneaking around, and quite literally ran into a dragon. In her defense, it was really dark outside and it looked like a pile of dirt, but it was still pretty embarrassing nonetheless and she was happy that no one else saw it. The dragon had grumbled, then yelled in surprise upon seeing her, which she was pretty used to. She was about to yell back at the dragon to mind their own business when she felt something sharp stab her in the neck. Instantly, she had started feeling woozy, and the last thing she remembered was getting put into a bag before everything went black.

And when she woke up, she had ended up in this village.

So there, that was her situation. She didn't know where she was, none of her friends knew where she was, and most importantly, SKY didn't know where she was.

But I suppose he's not the first dragon I would turn to if I needed to be rescued. I'd probably trust Glory and Murderbasket the most to SUCCESSFULLY get me out of here.

But alas, none of her friends had any idea where she was, or that she had been captured. So she was on her own...for now.

She sat down next to a stream with an angry expression on her face. A few people tried to approach her, noticed her furious aura, and immediately scurried away, something she was quite pleased about.

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