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Well, this certainly was a surprise.

Wren stepped into Jade Mountain and stood inside the Great Hall. She was in a school: A dragon school. Where they learn history, healing, self-defense, and other things young dragons should learn before turning into an adult. She learned from both Glory and Sunny that the main idea of the school was to unite students from all the tribes and create peace, ending petty rivalries or scuffles between dragons from different tribes.

She really wished she could go here, even if it was just a few days, except she had a feeling the students wouldn't react normally if a scavenger started attending their dragon school. Heck, they might even think she was a pet, which she was definitely NOT okay with.

Well, to be fair, if I was a normal human and a dragon started attending my school, I would be pretty surprised, too.

The school was empty, however, because as Sunny had explained, it was summer break for the students. This was good for Wren because she had a feeling that if the students saw her, she'd have to be introducing and explaining herself for the next hundred years and it would be so boring.

Sky padded into the cave behind her. His mouth was opened in a cute, "o" shape and his eyes twinkled with excitement.

"WOW! This place is SO cool, Wren! Do you think they learn about snails here? What about turtles?" he exclaimed. He let out a gasp as a new idea formed in his head. "What if they have a ZOO here!"

"Oh Sky, you silly, silly, dragon. It's a school, not an animal sanctuary." Wren teased, shaking her head. She politely decided to refrain from mentioning that if there were animals here, they were probably for food.

As Sky sniveled, Wren decided to explore the cave she was in. In the Great Hall were two caves, one on each side of the back of the entrance cave, and in between them stood a massive gong. It occurred to her that although she knew to find Starflight in the library, she actually had no idea where said library was or what it looked like. She stamped her foot in frustration.

"Jade Mountain is so big, I could spend the next year wandering the caves and not find what I'm looking for!" she huffed, mostly to herself. "What am I supposed to do, just wander around aimlessly until I stumble upon a library? By that time, my hair might be white and I'll need a cane to walk around!"

"Didn't Glory say that there were two dragons here? I'm pretty sure that's why we came here in the first place, right? Why don't you just call out their names and follow the sound of their response?" Sky suggested unexpectedly.

"You know? That's actually not a bad idea." she declared. She cupped her hands around her mouth. Upon seeing this, Sky's eyes widened, and he quickly crouched and clapped his talons over his ears fearfully. "STAARRRRFLIIIGHTT, WHERE ARE YOOOUUUUU?" she called out.

No response.

She sucked in a deep breath in preparation for yelling once again, but was quickly silenced by a terrified Sky.

"Wren, please stop!" he whined. "This cave is SO echoey and you're SO loud, I'm gonna go deaf!"

Wren put her hands on her hips. "Well, do you have any better ideas?" she sneered.

"Let's just wait here. I agree that walking around the tunnels until we find the library is probably...not the best idea, so why don't we sit down and wait for a bit? We have no places to be and they'll come out eventually for food." he reasoned.

"But waiting is so BORING." she grumbled. "I want to DO SOMETHING."

Sky stood on his hind legs and put his talons on his hips. "Well, do you have any better ideas?" he teased in a quite horrible impression of Wren's voice.

Sky's Hope: A Wings of Fire Legends: Dragonslayer FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now