We're not blind...Oh Wait

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Seeing as Wren didn't exactly get the chance to ask Winter who to see next after she left him at the "salon", she had to take matters into her own hands. It was terribly frustrating.

She had complained about this to Sky, but he pointed out that it was her own fault that she couldn't ask Winter, which was kind of hard to argue against because she one-hundred percent agreed with it.

But still, how could she blame herself for that when the taste of revenge was so sweet?

Stricken with pride, she didn't hesitate to tell this to Sky. At the time, it seemed like he was only mildly concerned about her mental health, so she continued to verbally fantasize about vengeance and violence.

He promptly decided it was time to put her into therapy.

Under normal circumstances, this would've been okay with her, since she could've just maimed her therapist in an "unfortunate accident". However, there was one, slight issue.

Sky was the therapist.

What infuriated her wasn't the fact that she couldn't kill her "doctor". It was that therapy, from what she knew (which wasn't much), involved a lot of niceness and babying, two things she wasn't particularly fond of.

Unfortunately, Sky knew just as much as Wren.

"Okay! Welcome to therapy, Ms. Wren! How are you today?" He asked excitedly.


"Awww, I'm sorry to hear that. I promise it'll get better, though, because guess what?"

"What." She muttered noncommittally.

"I'm your therapist! And my job is to turn that frown upside down. Sing it with me! Turn that frown, upside down! You're not a clown, you wear a crown! So turn that frown, upside down!"

As Sky danced around and sang like a lunatic, Wren's eyes wandered, landing on a certain tree that had a degree of looming-ness and seemed to be watching over them disdainfully. She promptly smashed her forehead into it.

Then she did it again.



And again.

Somehow, after forcefully bashing her skull into a block of wood, her head felt better than it did after listening to Sky try to host this lousy excuse of a therapy session.

She eyed the tree again, which now had various gashes and dents, with concern. Are you a magical headache inducer, or is my mind going numb because I have to listen to this doofus tell me that everything will be alright for the NEXT 4 HOURS?

She sighed. She didn't need to ask to know the answer to that question.

If anyone other than Sky tried talking to me like that, I'd MURDER them.

The irony of her having murderous thoughts while in therapy dawned on her. Okay, maybe a LITTLE bit of it is not being able to punch my doctor in the face, but it's MAINLY Sky treating me like a baby. That is NOT okay with me.

"Lesson one, smile! Leading research shows that if you always smile, you're always happy." He frowned and scrutinized the paper full of notes that he had prepared for his first appointment. "Well, that's according to Sunny, who always smiles and is always happy, so it must work. So whaddaya say, Wren? Show me that WIDEEE smile!"

She scowled.

"No, I said SMILE. Like, when you open your mouth and show your teeth!"

She opened her mouth and hissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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